I mostly read things here. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Outside of Lemmy, I read things. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Like software documentation. Or maybe something else. Who knows what the day will bring.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldStarfield has some beautiful landscapes!
    9 months ago

    Right, because the people who are paid to review the full game over hundreds of hours and have spent, in many cases, years, analyzing their biases and determining the right way to construct objective criticsm and have peer review editors to check their work…

    Nah. Randos on the internet who have tendancy to form circlejerks for fake internet points and for minor doses of dopamine and who may or may not have even completed even a tiny portion of the game - that's what I need to make an informed decision.

    EDIT Lol at the coward downvotes with no replies. You know I'm right, you just don't want to admit it.

  • I don't think anybody is shitting on anyone It's a public forum and we're all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

    It doesn't matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

    The problem isn't that negativity doesn't have a space, its that positivity doesn't have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they're going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That's how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we'll be less likely to do it again.

    But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other's yums with lofty goals around "discourse" and "free speech". But they seem to forget that's not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn't looking for "discourse". OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with "game sucks". What is this "discourse" supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

    I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like "that coat's fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it." What kind of discourse would you expect other than "the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off".

    Sure, we're all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won't stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there's plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.

  • Did I say I was defending MS’ restrictions on Edge? No. I think it’s dumb, but not for the reason you think.

    MS prevents you from uninstalling edge because for some stupid reason a bunch of system processes and their store all require and use edge as a dependency. Removing edge would actually break a lot of things in windows. Is it stupid? Absolutely. But the reason they don’t want to do that is because MS implements a lot of restrictions like this to prevent their end users from breaking windows with stupid mistakes.

    But this meme isn’t about allowing people to removing edge. Its trying to flex on the capabilities of linux vs. windows but using the laziest smooth brained way to do that. There are a lot of benefits to linux over windows. But the ability to sudo fuck your bootloader isn’t one of them.

  • Thank for your sympathy, friend.

    What’s hilarious is that the government recently passed legislation to cap the cost of most formularies of insulin to $35…for medicare recipients. I’ve checked, the vast majority of formularies are participating now.

    But if you are reliant on private insurance (because medicare is for seniors), you can fuck right the hell off. You pay what we tell you to. BCBS has not expanded their preferred formulary list beyond this one shitty formulary and I don’t expect them to.

    Oh and if you’re like my wife and your insurance only covers a formulary that causes you problems and a demonstratively higher A1C as a result, well you can buy vials out of pocket for $600 - $1000 for a month’s supply.

    I’m glad that medicare is as great as it is and have no problem paying into it as a tax-paying citizen, but private insurance is the problem that most of us are dealing with and nobody is doing anything to address it.

  • My problems aren’t anywhere near as bad as yours, but I’ll add my own complaints to comiserate at least.

    My wife is a type 1 diabetic. I have a pre-diabetic A1C (type 2) that i inherited from my mom. My insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) claims they cover preventative care. But they refuse to cover our regular A1C tests - it’s not preventative because they already know what you have. As a BCBS support person told me, if they’re throwing spaghetti at the wall, its preventative. If they’re aiming for a spot - it’s no longer considered “preventative”. So thats like $600 - $1000 a year. Chump change compared to many in this thread, I know.

    Also, for some reason, they only offer coverage for one type of insulin - novolog - which happens to be the one insulin that causes my wife issues. She’s type-1, so her immune system killed her insulin production at around 5 years old. She’s dependent on insulin to survive and uses an insulin pump. Novalog is less effective than literally every other insulin for her - which means she has to take more - which means more risk of long term problems. This insulin also requires a pre-bolus (basically taking insulin) of 1-2 hours before every meal. That means every meal has to be preplanned and prepared for or she starts a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Humalog, aphidra, fiasp? All work more efficiently and within like 15-30 minutes.

    The local HMO my work used before offered tiered options. We could pay a bit more for a better option. I would have no problem paying double to get her Humalog. BCBS says no. Novalog or pay out of pocket.

    I have occasional headaches that start in the back of my neck that turn into bouts of depression followed by mania a few days later. My neurologist wanted to do a full MRI panel to look for issues. Insurance denies it - medically unnecessary. The neurologist appeals and they’re like “fine fine, but we’ll only cover the head, not the neck” even though the pain started from my neck. They don’t find anything in the head. So the neurologist says, “well unless you want to pay out of pocket, we can’t check the source so…assume it’s just migranes?”

    Oh and by “cover”, I mean they paid a small part of it. It still cost me $1,500 to do the ones that were “covered”.

    That’s a smattering of the interactions I’ve had with my insurance that I can remember right now.

    My parents are retired and on medicare. They pay far less and get way better medical care than I do with one of the biggest private insurance chains in the country. Go figure.

  • The movies did Faramir dirty.

    In the books, he immediately rejects the temptation of the ring after Frodo tells him of Boromir’s temptation, saying that a thing of the dark lord should not be used - thus proving how much stronger and wiser he was than his brother.

    Faramir is one of my favorite characters in the books - a black sheep that represents hope for humanity after a book and a half of being shown humanity’s failures. And he’s such a badass in Cirith Ungol and RotK

    Peter Jackson weakened his character because of pacing and because he didn’t understand that stories need occasional bright spots of hope and it’s of the greatest sins of the movies IMO. Which is even more rediculous when you realize that Tolkien based the character on some of his own personal experiences

  • Um…pretty sure Deanna Troi was the one giving therapy to Jean-Luc. And she saw some shit during that voyage. Seriously, she needs her own counselor.

    I think it’s implied that DS9 had multiple counselors but they just aren’t bridge-level personel. Ezri later becomes the most prominent counsellor but we also see O’Brien going to therapy with Telnorri, so it’s implied the station does have dedicated mental health staff.

    I would say that technically should give DS9 the upper hand, but Miles’ experiences with Telnorri aren’t exactly great and it does seem like DS9 is always given the bare minimum by Starfleet.

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWindows vs Linux
    11 months ago

    I see this shit every day. You know why? User base.

    Linux doesn’t have to worry about grandma using it. The vast majority of the Linux user base is technologically adept humans that know not to remove the bootloader.

    But you know for a fact that grandmas were trolled into or accidentally removed system files so often that Microsoft did something about it.

    Also note, Chromebooks - which use a Linux adjacent os that is marketed to a wide audience including kids and the elderly - doesn’t let you do shit to system files. Android and Steam Deck are also highly locked down.

    The point is its a wierd flex to say that linux gives sudo users the power to break your system when its really just saying your os is too niche to have to worry about grandma.

  • Honestly, I couldn’t quite simpatize with her. She complains they were giving her too much to do?

    Unless you fully understand the effort involved in her reported daily and weekly quotas, you aren’t qualified to make an opinion on them. But what might make more sense to you is that LTT currently has a full team dedicated to what she was expected to do by herself.

    The biggest issue for me was her reports of a toxic work environment. When she would bring up concerns about her workload, they’d respond by insulting her and threatening her job. She even saw an instance where a coworker felt she was sexually harassed and Linus yelled at and berated her for being an idiot.

    My guess is that Linus is the owner and works like one, and wants everyone else to work as much as him.

    This is exactly the kind of boss that creates a toxic work environment. A good boss should be respectful of each employee’s strengths and limitations and foster an environment where everyone can contribute meaningfully without feeling unduely overburdened.

    A good boss encourages a healthy work/life balance.

    Yes, Linus is a workaholic. His work ethic is unhealthy. He has publicly acknowledged this on WAN show numerous times. If he expects his employees to work as hard as he does, then he is knowingly fostering an unhealthy work environment.

  • This video confirms what I’ve thought for a long time. The biggest problem with Linus Tech Tips is Linus.

    And the fact that the video even declares that it took Yvonne to put her foot down before any changes could take place confirms that LTT has a cult of personality that is damaging the brand and the team. And keeping Linus as a CVO isn’t going to change that.

    And of course, Madison’s accusations bring a whole new layer to the drama. A layer that should have been more obvious to me given that the only woman on that video was Linus’ wife.

    Also, anyone else find it funny that Gary Key made yet another mistake in this video - that Linus was the one that talked about testing every video - and not Gary’s own fucking team member? Also his little “I dont agree with EVERY criticism” was a bit too petulant and defensive for this video. Come on…

  • Let me make this clear.

    I don’t give a FLYING FUCK about Elon. I actively ignore any posts about him or his shitty empire. Stop using the behaviors of his idiot stans to argue with me. I am not them.

    What I do care about is a community telling people what they can or cannot post, not through rules changes, not through mod action, but by agreeing internally to bully every person who dares to post what every tech publication is talking about.

    I think you need to evaluate why you let this shit trigger you. I mean, this is like going to a coffee shop and raising a stink because they sell pumpkin spice lattes. Don’t consume it. Use Lemmy’s tools to filter it out if you really need to.

    Its not the community’s job to cater to your specific content desires. This isn’t a news site. Its a place for people to talk about whatever they think technology is. It’s your job to moderate what you pay attention to.

  • …but that’s what happens when you call a community “technology”. Its a pretty damn broad category and these days, incredibly mainstream.

    Communities like " technology" are going to be as mainstream as they were on Reddit. There is nothing you can do about it unless you convince the mods to spend 14 hours a day curating and removing posts from people with mainstream definitions.

    If you want a more curated definition, or you have more niche interests, then you probably want to go to a different community. Heck, maybe start your own. Be the change you want to see.

    It seems a bit silly to go to a community called “technology” and then complain that it represents what 90% of technology news sources are talking about.