Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoMalicious Compliance@lemmy.worldWork from home
    2 hours ago

    According to the EEOC, it’s a disability:

    A vision impairment does not need to “prevent, or significantly or severely restrict,” an individual’s ability to see in order to be a disability, as long as the individual’s vision is substantially limited when compared to the vision of most people in the general population.

    And it sounds like her employer is doing the right thing. But if ever she feels she is not being treated fairly, she should talk to a lawyer to be sure. Don’t just let it slide because she has one good eye. Hell it might be good to talk to a lawyer anyway, so she knows what to look out for in the future if things happen to change.

  • Give yourself time. All “injuries” are different, and may take varying amounts of time to heal. It may be that burning out multiple times has made that spot in your psyche a little more sensitive each time. So while you’ve addressed the problem, it may just need more care before you feel better.

    Allow yourself the opportunity to sit in these feelings. Don’t try to push them away or distract yourself from them. You have to face them head on and learn from them. If you cover them up with something else, then you’re not really dealing with them. They simply get queued up for the next time, and next time will be worse.

    As for the next two years, it feels like a lot, but it’ll be over before you know it. Good luck on your exams, btw! You’ve got this!!

  • I agree with [email protected] that when dealing with people, you acknowledge the delay with a simple apology, and move on to addressing their issue. People can easily smell bullshit, and in that, they would lose respect for you for trying to “outsmart” them. So keep it super simple, and honest.

    As for putting off tasks, I keep a note on my phone that lists everything I need to do. It’ll never be an empty list. It’ll grow and shrink over time. While I call it “Due Today”, I don’t actually put any priority on things, but they are things I should be able to do during a day.

    It helps me get things out of my head, and takes the pressure off by acknowledging that there are things that need to be done, and won’t be forgotten. And when I do start ticking items off, it feels really good (yay dopamine).

    If something is truly important, I add it either to my calendar (if it’s at a much later date) or my reminders (flagged high priority). Or, I force myself to do it immediately (if it’s not too overwhelming).

    It’s not perfect, and neither am I. As long as I keep busy doing stuff, I feel fine. But like you, I do get guilt/anxiety when I stop to take a break or do nothing for more than a minute or two. This is where breathing exercises come in.

    Nothing fancy. As the song goes, “breathe in, breathe out…” Long, slow breaths in; hold for a few seconds; long, even slower breathes out; pause and be mindful on how i and my body feels in that moment; rinse and repeat a few times. If you’re tense, relax those muscles for a moment.

  • I mean, maybe. But at the same time, they are the authoritative source for all things Apple. I’m sure they do downplay or exaggerate things, but that doesn’t mean they’re outright lying about everything. Then again, you could say that about any company in any sector. Be it Apple, Google, Samsung, or someone else, if you really don’t trust them, why do you use them?

    That’s a never-ending death spiral of paranoia you won’t get away from. The only way to get close is to go 100% off-grid, no technology, no human contact, grow your own everything. Maybe that’s for some people, and kudos to them. But that’s not for me.

    Pick your battles. Don’t sweat the petty stuff (nor pet the sweaty stuff). Also, don’t post anything you wouldn’t want the world to see if Tech Giant were to be hacked.


    1. search yourself online and remove yourself from all of those people search websites
    2. Freeze your credit accounts when you’re not actively using them
    3. Always set up 2FA (TOTP preferred, as SMS is weak) when available
    4. Use a password manager (like Keepass) and randomize all of your passwords
    5. Use at least 20-character long passwords when you can
    6. Complain loudly to websites that cap passwords at less
    7. Check haveibeenpwned.com for each email you use regularly
    8. Suppress your Lexus Nexis public data
    9. For US citizens, add yourself to the National Do Not Call Registry

    Be proactive and not reactive.