Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey is my all time favorite. The arcade style hockey was awesome.
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey is my all time favorite. The arcade style hockey was awesome.
It depends what you count as a casino. I grew up in Las Vegas and there’s slot machines in most grocery stores and gas stations. Also the airport has slot machines. If that counts as a casino then there’s hundreds if not thousands.
This is relevant to exmormons, since the Book of Mormon has horses in America a few thousand years ago.
A case would have to be presented to the court. They don’t pick and choose cases from nowhere. Cases go from local to state to supreme Court (in general). Assuming the court decides to hear it, their decision would be legally binding. But that only applies to that case. There couldn’t and wouldn’t be a case of “who won the election”, it’s decided by the states and is clearly indicated in the Constitution. That’s why Trump desperately wanted to “send it back to the states”. The state legislatures and governors would be able to muck with the results, but thankfully that didn’t happen.
The most important votes are for local officials and don’t forget it.
Technically taxes are due quarterly in the US, so they have plenty to do if they have business or self employed customers. My dad was a tax preparer and would file tons of extensions in April and finish them up until August. Then start on the next year.
That’s not true anymore. My kids have very different SSNs.