• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024




    And you took exception to me saying you were indifferent?!

    NSFW means Not Suitable For Work. Please use it. Please.

    Are you missing the part where I literally do?

    Yup. There’s a shitton of pedo-adjacent crap you posted without a NSFW tag. The scantily clad busty teen-style cartoons. You’re right here arguing against tagging it. Yeah, I’m missing you tagging it. We wouldn’t be arguing if you agreed to tag it. WTF?

    Your remark about music communities is so off the point, because, and here’s the thing: it’s fine for work.

  • You’re not getting downvoted and reported, you’re getting your communities blocked, as per advice I think you handed out yourself in the “IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM, IT’S YOUR PROBLEM. CURATE YOUR OWN FEED” phase which is why I have to be signed in on lemmy at work, which I’d rather not.

    You might have a point if I were drowning in downvotes and reports. But I’m not. But if I were, I absolutely would change how I do things.

    Whole instances hiding your content because of persistent complaints and you pretend there’s no issue.

    You’ll respond with all kinds of evasions but you won’t accept that you’re polluting the fediverse with your untagged NSFW “mildly arousing” busty teen-style girl cartoons.

    NSFW means Not Suitable For Work. Please use it. Please.

    But no, you are utterly selfish and won’t listen.

    One person upvoting your content justifies everything to you.


  • This person is acting as if I never mark anything NSFW and don’t care who it affects.

    That’s a straw man. What I claim is that whenever people ask that your NSFW “mildy arousing” pictures of girls are tagged appropriately as NSFW you refuse, that you have a really high bar for what counts as NSFW, that that bar is far higher than most workplaces, and that you simply don’t care and refuse to tag.

    And yes, you are completely indifferent to the effect of your actions on others. Whack-a-mole is the right description of how we have to respond.

    You literally ask for “mildly arousing” content in the sidebar on the link I clicked from elsewhere in this thread, so please don’t make out that that’s a small minority of what you make and promote.

    You don’t address the points about NSFW meaning not suitable for work because you don’t care and you don’t have good points to make about it.

    All this, by your own admission, is because when you tag stuff as NSFW it gets fewer views, as if the internet owes you its eyes. You’re like those irritating ads about meeting attractive women in your area. You don’t care whether it’s appropriate when I’m browsing SFW content, you just want the views.

  • No, it’s completely indifference to other people’s desire to use NSFW to mean Not Suitable For Work.

    I certainly don’t work in an environment where having cartoons of scantily clad girls in suggestive poses on my phone screen in my lunch hour is in any way acceptable, and I don’t think I’m unusual in that.

    You don’t care about that, you’ve made that very clear in the past, you just care about how many views you can get for your adolescent-look content which is “mildly arousing” - your words, not mine.

    I don’t know why you think “mildly arousing” is somehow safe content to browse at work.

    So yeah, you’ve expressed absolute indifference to other people’s need for a clean feed by refusing to tag your content appropriately. You harm the fediverse by trying to impose your will,

  • You made me smile so hard and I nearly burst out laughing, but I surpressed it because otherwise I would have to explain to my wife, and I’m not sure I can.

    But however many testicles there are, and wherever you’re keeping them, know that I forever support your pride in those surely magnificent danglies of yours.

  • Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause offence at all, I just assumed that in a poly relationships the boundaries were open for negotiation, and that like you say open communication would be key. I didn’t know he went behind her back, I know nothing about this story other than what I read on this thread.

    I get that in a conventional relationship, leaving someone for their best friend or their sibling would be a particularly heinous betrayal, but didn’t assume that that would be the same for someone in a poly relationship. I didn’t mean to offend anyone by asking and I apologise for any and all offence caused.