data1701d (He/Him)

“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”

- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations

  • 38 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I will clarify I haven’t watched a lot of Discovery, Enterprise, or Picard.

    However, problems of the sort you mention (not necessarily the exact ones you mention, but similar or of concern) aren’t exactly new.

    For instance:

    • TOS showed Chekov assaulting a Klingon women (under the influence of an evil space alien before).
    • It is heavily implied Spock did something with Saviik in III. Also, in general, they just ruined a good female character. (III might actually rival V in terms of being the worst Trek film.)
    • TNG did “Code of Honor”.
    • Also, TNG very much did weird things to Troi, including rape to rape-adhacent things. Not necessarily as bad as T’Pel, from what I can tell, but still messed up nonetheless.
    • I’m sure there’s an example for DS9, but my mind subconsciously puts it in a pedestal and is blocking me at the moment.
    • VOY unnecessarily sexualizes Seven.

    I think the truth of all Star Trek is it is flawed, but that we can critically acknowledge those flaws while managing to look past them so we can appreciate and enjoy the good parts.

  • So you felt nothing when they were briefly on DS9 and stopped by Quark’s before getting lost in the Delta Quadrant? You bring dishonor to your house! (In fact, Tom gets in a barfight with Quark (not shown on screen, unfortunately) in that one timeline where Harry was never assigned to Voyager.)

    Just kidding about the “dishonor to your house part”. Honestly, I like some of the fun 90s Trek had with crossovers, especially how VOY sort of rehabilitated Barclay. Honorable mention to that thing where Bashir helped Data have dreams. I guess O’Brien and the eventual Worf being mains on DS9 count as well; I think despite his flaws getting really annoying, Worf gave us an excuse for the fun Klingon political plot lines.

    As an actual question, though, do any of the following apply to you?:

    1. Didn’t also watch DS9 as a kid.
    2. Were watching Voyager out of order, only catching random episodes, etc.
    3. All of the above

  • I think this answer is mostly right in the case of Seven and VOY.

    However, on a more general societal note, this can be problematic, as two people may have different definitions of insane (for instance, challenging certain societal beliefs that aren’t necessarily actually related to sanity may falsely be construed as insanity), and as a result, a rational person is stripped of their agency. I think several conditions need to be established for what defines someone as insane. I think if at least one of these is true, it can be called insanity:

    • An inclination for self-harm
    • An inclination to harm others