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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Those tests are worth more than four years of college?

    Yes a test to figure out if you can perform your job is significantly more valuable than a collage degree, this doesn’t mean that college has no value, mind you, it just means that knowing how to do the job and knowing that you fit in with the company culture is vastly more important.

    Go get a bunch of I.T. certifications. Get your CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+ Get a Microsoft MCP or MCSA

    Those certifications are useless, they look good on your resume because managers love showcasing their staff’s “certifications”, as many companies that don’t understand IT put value on the certifications more than anything else, but they don’t actually provide you any value in of themselves. Sure it might be interesting how many network switches you can daisy chain according to the standards, but it has no real value most of the time, if that’s information you need in your job it’s something you can just look up, HOWEVER, asking you random questions that pertain to the job during the interview IS a good way to understand if you’re a good candidate, and, often, the actual response doesn’t matter as much as your reasoning for getting to that response.

    When an interviewer at google asks you how many pennys it would take to make a structure as tall as the empire state building, it doesn’t matter what the answer is, truly, even if you got the exact number of pennys, just saying the number would mean you don’t pass the interview, your answer would be worth less than an answer that gets it wrong by 75% but is well reasoned, what they care about is how you come up to the conclusion that you come up with, the solution is useless.

  • In general I agree with you. I find that most FOSS software is more polished than proprietary software, and it is generally more powerful.

    However, I think that one problem that people somehow overlook in my opinion is that the financial side of the issue is also extremely important. I want more people to work on quality FOSS software, and I want it to become socially acceptable to work on FOSS as your main job. For that one thing is needed in my opinion: we as users of FOSS software need to give developers the financial incentives to work on what they love the whole time. In fact I want it to reach the point where immoral, non FOSS companies struggle to find developers because they’re all working on FOSS.

  • Danny M@lemmy.escapebigtech.infotolinuxmemes@lemmy.world:wq!
    9 months ago

    I prefer the extremely intuitive:

    [C-R]=system("grep -P "PPid:\t(\d+)" /proc/$$/status | cut -f2 | xargs kill -9")


    i:!grep -P "PPid:\t(\d+)" /proc/$$/status | cut -f2 | xargs kill -9[esc]Y:@"[cr]

    It just rolls off the fingers, doesn’t it?

    Edit: damn it lemmy didn’t like my meme because it assumes that characters between angle brackets are html tags :( you ruined it lemmy

    EDIT 2: rewrote it, just assume that square brackets are buttons not characters

  • If you’re not aware, the hack was performed by Arion Kurtaj, an 18 year old, who has been put in prison a psych ward in a uk prison. He hacked rockstar at a hotel, where he was left with no computers or phones, only to find that the TV had a chromecast, which he used to buy a phone and a keyboard (presumably by selling his monero).

    • He hacked into all major uk telcom providers: EE, BT and Orange.
    • He hacked into nvidia

    This kid deserves a 7-8 digits salary as a pentester, not prison; plenty of pentesting companies would hire him in a heartbeat.

    Don’t get me wrong, he deserves a long and drawn out lesson on morals, but also a stellar salary where he can do what he’s doing for the right side.

    EDIT: I have made a mistake in my original comment, which has been pointed out. My bad, he’s technically in a psych ward in a uk prison, because he’s aggressive and unstable. I still stand by what I said (and what I clarified in the comments below), but I wanted to correct the record

  • Quick aside, there won’t be a USB D (unless the USB people change their mind yet again), it will be something different from USB. The idea was to have USB A be what you plug on your source and B on your destination and was designed as a way to avoid power surges in the original 1.0 spec because the A side was physically different from the B side you weren’t ever going to plug in something that sends power to something that receives power (basically it prevented users from breaking their devices on accident). USB C changed that with a chip on each cable that handles negotiation before agreeing on a power spec

  • The concept of competition among tech companies has done a complete 180 on its original meaning. It’s no longer predominantly about crafting superior products; rather, it’s become a race to secure the largest amount of investor funding.

    In this transformed landscape, the product itself and revenue generation often take a backseat, or at best, hold a tertiary importance. The heart of customer-centric ethos, especially crucial elements like data security, are now distressingly overlooked. What matters is getting the next investment to become the next “unicorn” and be acquired for billions of dollars. Silicon Valley Companies want the easy way out, do only a fraction of the work for an exponential amount of the benefits.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are reasons to seek investment, getting a good product built is actually complex and you actually need a lot of different people working on it. The alternative is losing years of your life on a sisyphean ordeal of soul-crushing, hundred-hour work weeks (and that’s real work, not “let me check twitter” work), making you question your life choices and whether you should just throw it all away, abandon technology, become a hermit and move to a shed in the mountains.

    The problem is that the EXPECTATION today is that you’re gonna build a third of a product, care about 1% of the actual business behind it and then pivoting exclusively to the pursuit of investment, letting everything else rot

  • Bonus tip:

    ci" means change inside “” ca" means change around “”

    the " can be replaced with any of: ({[wspbt

    For changing inside or around parentheses, curky brackets, square brackets, words, sentences, paragraphs, code blocks and HTML tags respectively.

    So for example if you want to replace all parameters in a function call you just do ci(

    But that’s not all, the c is one of the possible operators, but not the only one.

    di{ deletes the content of a block ya[ copies the content of something inside square brackets g~iw swaps the case of a word guis makes a sentence lower case gUip makes a paragraph upper case

    And the most useless one: g?at replaces the content of an HTML tag with its rot13