• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • There is a formula that suggested “living X minutes closer to work is worth Y dollars more on the purchase price” because the commute time saved and the health benefits of reduced stress were far worth the added cost – and it may be like $5k on the mortgage per 1 minute saved. And if the commute dropped to a <= 30min walking commute, the benefits skyrocketed.

    You better believe a walking commute factors into planning subway stations.

  • working from home.

    I’m pleased to have switched to a union job that protects my safety and respects my time, by allowing 100% remote work as available – that’s to allow for people to work from the office, but to promote a remote-first approach. The specific wording in the contract is as convoluted as anticipated, but the summary is they have a minimal number of ‘hotel’ (hot-desk) spots in an actual office, but the spaces they sold back during covid they do not intend to request again.

    (For the poor managers more validated by seeing my ass in a chair every day, I say “get help, my ass isn’t appealing” and I also mention my day job deals with some pretty private shit, and an actual home office is a straight-forward to certify for ergo and data privacy; but the manager has to want it. And that’s how I can spot the fucking pervs)

  • corsicanguppy@lemmy.catolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTwo Linux users walk into a bar
    21 hours ago

    The meme equates ‘popular’ with ‘better’. There’s a very good reason we didn’t try to make an ubuntu back in 2002, and that reason - weak/bad validation of deployed package payload - is still true today.

    If you care about build/release, precise validation is important to you. It’s one of the holy trinity of build/release.

  • The BC interior is weird: they spend so much of their political lives as the little brother to the economic powerhouse at the population centers that they’re easily swayed by “Victoria isn’t listening and Vancouver isn’t sharing its pork” rhetoric, which is really how BC people see Ottawa and Ontario : Ottawa and Toronto don’t know us and don’t care. They’re really ripe for a “white guy endangered by immigrant” kind of mild hate as well, which makes the emo like three layers deep.

    So they’re going to vote single-issue protectionism/isolationism and they’ll accept any amount of human rights abuses and xenophobia if they can get it, effectively forgetting they didn’t even get that from vanderzalm.

    They’ll believe any lie about American-style healthcare savings them money because they’re voting for some fairy tale about recognition, job protection, and magical wealth that comes from “Vancouver taking notice” and “Ottawa taking notice” and other rebellious-teen themes.

  • corsicanguppy@lemmy.catolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAverage systemd debate
    5 days ago

    “I hate systemd, it’s bloated and overengineered”

    And built poorly by people who don’t work well with others and then payola’ed onto the world.

    people stay, perched precariously on their huge tower of shell scripts and cron jobs.

    Fucking UNIX is shell scripts and cron jobs, skippy. Add xinetd and you’re done.