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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • IMO, this is one of the better arguments for parrots having some of the most human-like intelligence in the animal world outside of primates. Having had both toddlers and parrots, they do exhibit a lot of similarities in behavior patterns, and I could swear my kids have done exactly what this person describes their bird doing.

  • This is hella cool, but I do want to say that it seems like there’s been a flood of news articles talking about how we’re sooooooo close to cracking plastic recycling and microplastics ever since the UN had that big push to try and regulate global plastic production. Seems like the industry is on a PR drive similar to the one for big carbon and oil; “no, you don’t need regulations, that’s ignorant, you’re being ignorant, a tech solution is just around the corner, we swear” etc. That’s primed me to view all “plastic solution” articles with more suspicion.

  • Look, I’m not where you are. I’ve been there, and I’m not going to talk down to you about it from the other side. I’m not going to pretend to know just what you’re going through, and I’m definitely not going to tell you to just get over it. What you’re feeling is real and legitimate. What I can say is that the way that you feel, as real as it is, is not a fixed, permanent thing. You haven’t always felt this way, and you won’t always feel this way. Everything is temporary.

  • Then show up and fuckin yell at them. It’s free and the cops can’t stop you. We had people showing up yelling at our council about some mean shit some other person said to them because they publicly supported Israel, like it was kindergarten hour (I mean, fuck around and find out, though, right?), and they had to just sit there and listen until her time was up. Somebody else came up and personally put one of the councilors on blast by name, the dude looked like he was going to have an aneurysm but they had to deal with it because they’re part of the government and that’s freedom of speech.

    Look, you don’t have to join city council, there’s other movements out there that are looking for people like you. Try formally joining some or joining some of their actions:

    https://rebellion.global/ for extinction rebellion (climate change action)

    https://blacklivesmatter.com/ this one’s pretty obvious, I think.

    There’s also YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) groups all over the country, you could try looking for one where you live and/or getting one together by putting up flyers at coffee shops, nearby colleges, anywhere that’ll let you put one up and maybe a few places that won’t.

    Look, I’m not even going to tell you to think about federal politics because it’s moot. The parties want you to believe that it’s the most important place to put your time/money/attention, but that’s bullshit. Spoiler alert: one of two fossils are likely to win, one of them is a self-serving Nazi, the other is Joe Biden, do with that information what you will. Local politics is where shit gets done in this country, and it’s a lot more impressive to local politics when you can show up either consistently or with a group of people.

  • Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re being propagandized to respond to those feelings by commiting suicide instead of challenging the system that created those conditions? Look, all I’m saying is that if you kill yourself, you’ll definitely have missed any opportunity you had at getting to yell at the cops or actually making the world you want to live in. If you try to make a better world and still want to end it all, that option hasn’t been taken from you, but there’s a non-zero chance you could help make things better. I’m doing what I can, and I’d really appreciate your help, whatever that looks like.

  • Might be a boomer take, but if you’re willing to go so far as to not exist anymore because the world is whack, I don’t think it’s an unrealistic ask to show up to a city council meeting some time, run for local office, break some stupid-ass laws and feed the homeless or go to a protest, etc. If we all woke up tomorrow and decided to make a different world, we could. I would appreciate your help in making this a better place to live for all beings, it would really mean a lot to me.

  • Yeah. I’m in favor of universal healthcare, but at this point I think it’d be more likely that California wraps up High Speed Rail construction next year. I have no idea why so many people are so willing to defend our completely broken-ass system; dealing with the insurance company is arguably worse than dealing with the DMV. At least you know the DMV aren’t trying to fuck you to pay for a new mega yacht, they’re just fucking you because those are the rules.