• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • By ChatGPT:

    Tuvok: Ensign Kim, your dedication to your duties is truly impressive. I must admit, I find myself looking forward to our conversations more than I expected.

    Harry Kim: Thanks, Tuvok. Your guidance means a lot to me. There’s something about our talks that feels different. It’s like we’re on the same wavelength.

    Tuvok: Indeed, Harry. I sense a connection between us that goes beyond our roles on this ship. It’s a puzzle that intrigues me.

    Harry Kim: I feel it too, Tuvok. It’s like we have this unspoken understanding that’s hard to put into words. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.

    Tuvok: Perhaps it’s time we acknowledge this connection and explore it further. How about we have dinner in the astrometrics lab tomorrow evening?

    Harry Kim: I’d love that, Tuvok. I’ve been hoping for a chance to get to know you better outside of work. Tomorrow evening sounds perfect.

    Tuvok: Excellent. I’m looking forward to it, Harry. The idea of spending more time together and unraveling this mysterious bond between us is quite appealing.

    (They share a smile, their unspoken feelings now out in the open, as they finalize plans for their upcoming date in the secluded corner of the lower decks of the USS Voyager.)

  • Spock in SNW brings his portrayal in The Cage in alignment with the rest of TOS. In that episode, he smiles and has a more relaxed demeanor. If you watch TOS again, Leonard Nimoy plays Spock as oblivious to human emotional expression without being robotic. I actually find Ethan Peck’s portrayal to be more rigid than Nimoy’s. The Peck Spock tends to either suppress his emotion to the degree that he can appear monotonous and stiff, or fail to suppress emotions and experience outbursts. Around 10 years later, the Spock in TOS finds a balance and seems to have found a balance between emotional expression (including sarcasm and low-key passive aggressiveness against Dr. McCoy) and logic. That’s good character development imo

    Edit: Not to mention Spock’s final words in the 2009 movie where he tells his alternate self not to think too hard about logic and do what feels right. That’s Spock’s arc ends and resolves his internal conflict that lasted over decades.