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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I don’t know why you are so aggressive.

    You made a good point, this is actually DLC, I just forgot about it.

    I bought BG3 when it was in EA, so I got this DLC automatically, so I never really thought about it recently, I don’t even remember seeing it on any shop front.

    But now that you mentioned it, I think I thought that they should probably release it for free for everyone at that time. Just like CDPR released some cosmetic ‘DLC’ for free after launch.

    If I had to buy it, I probably wouldn’t.

  • AFAIK, modding is the main reason for Skyrims long term success. Sure, it did its part in inspiring people initially, but what keeps at least me coming back is my interest in trying new mods.

    But it also didn’t start there with Elder Scrolls series. Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas use a very moddable predecessor of the Skyrim engine, and thus build the community up for Skyrim and later games.

    Modability of KC:D was rather limited, so there isn’t a community around as big as the Skyrim one. That means with Skyrim, you get what you can mod into it, while with Kingdom Come, you mostly just get what you buy.

    So I don’t expect it to be the next Skyrim, but never the less I am interested in it.

  • Time and your personal experience might be a factor.

    Often the first book I read from an author, leaves a very positive and fresh impression, but after I read a couple more of the same author, I learn their structure and writing style, and it becomes just more of the same, and I have trouble getting into those books.

    It is similar in other mediums as well, maybe to a lesser degree. TV series and video games have multiple writers to keep things fresh, but at some point it becomes just more of the same.

    You can still try to replay/rewatch/reread the great ones, but then you know what to expect. This might not be the case with new media of the same authors.

    Also time directly might also effect it, I have trouble really getting into any game now, because I have other stuff to do, and getting back into it afterwards (especially with video games) is more difficult.

  • No, the consumers are never to blame for stuff like this!

    This is something that is just that we get told by the people that are lying about and hyping up a product, putting up manipulative incentives for buying it before letting us inspect it. Then releasing trash, but still appealing on our empathic nature and promising that it might get fixed later. And when things turn to shit, then it is our trust and empathy, willingness to support them, that is to blame for it. No!

    If the industry exploits our good and trusting nature, then we need to fight them with regulation and laws. Our civilization and the human nature is built on trust, and that should not be undermined by short profit oriented, exploitative companies or business practices.

  • cmhe@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldGod of War (PC) is now available on GOG
    4 months ago

    Do you really want auto-updates for your games, or actually just want updates-on-demand? Or just a notification with a button to update the game?

    Personally I dislike Steams auto updates, because I want decide when a game should be updated. I might have mods installed, only mobile internet or a myriad other reasons not to be forced to download and apply an update right at that moment and instead just play the old version.

    For saves, I normally just use syncthing. I have regularly issues with GOG and Steam cloud saves, and syncthing works well enough,

  • True, private companies are generally more focused on customer satisfaction, but that can suddenly change, for instance when the owner dies, and the new owners don’t share the same ideals.

    Private companies have a certain single point of failure built-in by having often just one or sometimes a small number of owners.

    Nobody really knows what will happen when Gabe dies.

    I just hope that valve becomes a worker cooperative… That would be the most stable form of company that probaly stays focused on customer satisfaction long term, since workers tend to favor providing long-term profits via good service instead of short term gains, for high frequency traders.

  • cmhe@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldUncommon Syncthing usecases
    7 months ago

    I mod my games on my PC and sync it to my SteamDeck. I also sync the save files back and fourth, to continue playing on different devices. Mostly non-steam games.

    I also sync my eBook collection to my eink reader with syncthing.

    Everything is also mirrored to my always-on NAS, so syncing always works.

  • I agree! The content of the game is the issue, not the engine. Bashing Bethesdas engine is just a meme, at this point.

    Linux is 32 years old, people wanting to throw everything away and start new, just because they don’t like certain aspects of it, are crazy.

    Personally, I don’t really care about raytracing, or even improving the graphics that much, IMO they should reuse assets and code if that will make them invest more of their time to improve their writing, quests and let people go their own paths through the quests instead of just having 2 or 3 options (do the quest, don’t do the quest and sometimes rat the people out to the authorities). So that we have BG3 level of writing and quests, in different kind of game.

    And for god sakes, do simple things like let companions whisper when sneaking.

    Also, New Atlantis doesn’t look build for Humans but for giants, too much scaled up.

  • cmhe@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldStarfield, is it getting review bombed?
    10 months ago

    I would take the whole “old crappy bethesda engine” meme with a grain of salt.

    IMO it is a good engine, it is getting updated by them on every new game like any other engine. And there are a lot of changes all over. For that reason modders have to develop new tools to create meshes, reverse egnineer the changed data formats, etc. Saying that it is the same engine as Skyrim or Fallout 4/76 is just not true.

    It is also one of the most mod friendly engine. The content creation tools from Bethesda and modders make it really easy to work with, even for people not able to code themselvs.

    And personally the game looks and works fine. Of course you can critique the game itself, but attacking the whole engine is exagerated. Sure it has bugs, and you can attack bethesda about not fixing them, but suggesting that they throw away the whole engine because of a couple of bugs or subjective “looks bad” opinions is ridiculus.

    Also, I don’t think just using Unity or UE4 (where bethesda devs first need to learn them first) magically fixes every complaint and bug. But it might make the game not as easily moddable.