I think I speak for most people when I say that I’m a good representative of the general population.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • I got covid March 2020 and it was basically just a bad cough when I was positive, but like two days after my cough went away I developed some issues with feeling dizzy and weak, but sometimes those feelings were a lot stronger than other times. When it was really bad it would feel like I was about to pass out soon. The fact that my symptoms weren’t visible to others and that the tests showed I should be healthy made it easy for doctors to dismiss, and it was absolutely miserable. On my better days I would feel like a crazy person and ask myself if I’d been imagining the whole thing.

    I’ve almost entirely recovered from the long covid, but mentally I’m still messed up from that experience. I feel pretty confident that I was not a hypochondriac in February 2020, but now I freak out over every stupid thing. If I feel some sort of pain and the cause isn’t outwardly visible, I go through an extensive mental dialogue over whether I’m imagining it. At one point I had a reaction to a new medicine and I waited months to tell the doctor because I couldn’t tell if it was in my head, while I was freaking out a little every time I thought about it. I really believe that I didn’t used to be like this.

    Being treated like this can add a lot on top of already existing misery. I know doctors are people too, and they don’t have to believe me, but I wish they would have had the respect to pretend that they do.