It is, in fact, skibidi.
If you roughly convert your hourly salary, how much money did you spend working on this game?
And that’s why I can’t take online activists seriously. 100% of agenda, 0% of brain.
That’s just photoshopped.
That dog jumped from another dimension to get that snack.
The crazy part that the bank uses username+password method for authentication.
Do people still debate about systemd?
Great advice. I always consult FDA before cooking rice.
That’s why I’m suggesting to eject the baby, Linda can stay!
Linda is fine. Her non-stop crying baby on the other hand…
Wine Is Naturally an Emulator
As I understood this is some remote running layer, while WINE is an emulator.
ACC, rFactor
Oh, that’s great. I’m lagging behind with 11.
So that you could write fake and gay stories on 4chan without risking dropping your personal electronic device into the jacuzzi.