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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Really? Why does Deathstroke and Deadpool both exist? One is DC, one is Marvel, and Deadpool pretty much started as an expy. Slade Wilson and Wade Wilson. You’re arguing from a place of what feels like it should be wrong, yet your fake example has been done in the real world and they got away with it.

    This happens so many times in industries they can often just argue parody. In fact, changing a name slightly is classic parody to avoid being sued. Japan in particular often just bleeps out a syllable or forgets a character in the name.

  • Lots of games are also called Roguelike. Based off a game called Rogue. The makers of Rogue do not get to sue the makers of Hades.

    Pets that fight for you, including being able to store them for portable carry has been done by many other games, including Ark. In fact, playing Palworld made me compare it more to Ark than Pokemon: base building, automation, catching dinos/animals/monsters of different varieties for different uses. Some can fly, some run, some can be used as parachutes. Some help automate actions at base. There is a tech tree unlocked by leveling, starting with primitive weapons and moving on to guns and higher caliber guns. Blueprints are common in ark for higher quality crafts to build at, you guessed it, crafting benches.

    Collecting wood, stone, metals, etc. Also the animal assistants can help there too, but only certain ones. Also, Ark has cryopods for storing your animals/dinosaurs. You even throw em to release.

    If they had exactly Pikachu or something it’s one thing, but similar games are just part of the business.

  • I have a slight personal conundrum. I agree with thus in principle, and so when the company decided everyone would get a laptop (I prefer to work from home, and while computers exist at the office and for some field techs, plus there is a terminal server, until now I used personal 99% of the time) I was excited and happy.

    On the other hand, I’ve done the two phones thing in the past and now I really don’t feel like it. Of course, I don’t want any of their MDM on my phone either, and if they start trying to enforce that I may have to bite demanding a phone too.

    Either way, it should be an option to have either a company phone or reimbursement if you choose to just have your 1 phone. Containerized MDM would be nice too, since that should ostensibly mean a remote wipe only affects their data/apps and prevents personal/work from interacting.

  • I like coffees flavor (not necessarily the bitter part, but it doesn’t bother me much). It’s not really from repeated exposure: caffeine doesn’t quite work right for me, and coffee gives me anxiety and stomach issues, wo I don’t drink it often but do like the flavor. Beer is somewhat opposite: I have drank a lot of alcohol(cutting back much more nowadays) but I still find most beer not tasty… though there was this one coffee beer that was really good.

    My goto is actually unsweetenee Soju, with lime added. It has a very mild flavor and the lime takes away the alcohol aftertaste.

    I used to like sweet stuff but I’ve always drank green tea unsweetened, and for the most part unless it’s honey I don’t like sweeteners in tea. Coffee can go both ways, especially for caramel, and hot chocolate is sweet of course, though I haven’t had any for at least a year.

    Once I gave up soda other things naturally started tasting too sweet for me, and I gave up soda in general 15-20 years ago. I drink it on occasion, but it always leaves a gross sticky syrupy feeling in mouth and throat.

  • I read a bunch of webcomics, and I currently read a bunch of manga, mahwa, manhua, web novels, and yes, still some webcomics. I have some favorites, but some aren’t that good and are just junk food.

    Ctrl Alt Del was never a favorite, nor something I’d check all the time, but every once in a while I’d click through it and read some of it. I probably read it similarly often as Penny Arcade, which didn’t really appeal duper heavily to me either.

  • America has been on the path for a while though, with the John Birch Society and the like working from the background. They’ve been around since the 1958, and lots of their literature and networks fostered the turn. Others like Bill Cooper, Alex Jones, etc, were active in the 90s and affected by JBS. Waco also had already ocurred.

    OKC has some influences from Cooper, and the JBS and other right wing people initially thought OKC was a huge setback for inroads with general audiences, and kept working to change how people feel. Tea party was a huge comeback for them, as people who knew of the JBS warned the Tea Party was just a resurgence.

    I don’t know if Lucas or other writers knew at the time, so you might be right. However, there were people warning about it back then, just not really heard or paid much attention to.

  • Cosmere books have an interesting spin on it. First an important caveat: all powers require some sort of fuel in the cosmere universe, or some sort or store/release mechanism. Therefore while poor and rich alike can gain powers, being able to afford to use those powers can vary. Some individual series deets(all of these exist in the same galaxy, but across different planets and sometimes different levels of tech)

    Mistborn starts out looking like it fits the comic, with main characters being halfbloods with noble parents. However, some of the supporting super-powered people don’t have that background, and as you go down the series some things start revealing what people believe about the powers isn’t quite true.

    Stormlight doesn’t follow the bloodline thing at all, and various people of all classes and bloodlines develop superpowers, and inheriting it isn’t the mechanism at all. Money can be a limiting factor, but isn’t strictly one.

    Warbeaker is somewhat more mixed. There is a power system anyone in the whole population can use, but the logistics of using it means people in power have a much easier time getting the needed resources to use it at higher levels. The resource is kinda tricky, so it isn’t something that can be regulated or even stolen, but can be gained by anyone who can convince, coerce, or pay someone for their resource(everyone is born with 1, but you need lots to be powerful).

    In addition, of the 4 main protags, 2 are princesses of a minor tribelike country, one is mysterious and too much spoilers to discuss, while the 4th is treated as a minor God, but is treated that way due to a more unique power system, but also one that isn’t class based. A bit complicated but a concept explained early in the book: Returned are people who come back to life, and people worship them because of two features they have: they might dream about the near future, but won’t understand it themselves, and they can sacrifice their second life to perfectly heal any one person. They have limits I won’t go into here though.

    Summary: powers in their true form do not discriminate, but situations and societal structure allows some of them to be manipulated that way.