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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • I’ll add in, Ranked Choice is a bad choice. The “edge cases” mentioned in the post can happen in any and every election using the system.

    If Ranked Choice were the only option besides what we have, it would be a slight improvement, but there are far better options.

    STAR is simple, and does everything that RCV claims to do, but actually fails to do.

    Something to keep in mind for the push to reform voting laws after this election.

  • I’d never subject such beings to said diplomat.

    Now, the later inquest might show that there was a convent error in the life detection of the Bauldarians, and some of the supposed qualities that the captain laid out, might not have any basis in truth, and that the bauldarians were, in fact, just a rough circle of stones from an ancient meteor impact on a lifeless moon in an unfashionable corner of the Beta Quadrant. One whose name and location were flagged with a warning, and had a warning beacon orbiting the planet left by this very vessel, transmitting this quote in every federation known language;

    “Class D Hostile Godlike being. Cannot leave surface without aid. Do not believe any message from the surface, Do not land or transport to the surface”

  • No, Star Fleet does not allow accidents like that to happen to anyone above the rank of Ensign.

    But what we could do, is have her negotiate a terribly important dialog with a group of what the captain believes are a Silicon based life. Probably. They… um, are subject to both a… slow metabalism, and a temporal… reversion… yeah. They take weeks… or even years. Yeah years to say a single word, but do to a… temporal… quantum… entanglement. Yeah, Temporal Quantum Entanglements… Because of that, the Bauldarians need to hear a response the second they stop speaking. And if they don’t get one, the diolog will fail and then where will we be? Right. So yeah, our diplomat needs to stay on the planet within the circle of the Bauldarian council. She can have a shuttle craft to act as a diplomatic living space… but we need to replace the engine with… um, a backup life support system, sure.

    Oh, yeah, and the comms on that shuttle, don’t function… due to… ions.

  • Neelix may have seemed like a bumbling fool, but yeah, he would be a solid choice as security officer. He had years of training under Tuvok, and actually ran point on quite a few of the stranger episodes in the later half of the series.

    He rescued the crew a handful of times. So yeah. Neelix is a solid choice for security chief.

    He’d perform there far better than as a diplomat. It seems like half the major conflicts the Voyager got into were because of Neelix. The rest were squarely on Janeway.

  • It’s already happened once.

    The Big Mike banana was super popular until the 1950s, when a fungal infection basically wiped them out. (they’re still grown in a few places, but are super susceptible to infection)

    So, the banana growers switched over to the Cavendish banana. It was resistant to the fungus.

    But the days of the Cavendish were always numbered because of how they’re grown. A seedless banana can only grow via cuttings. Which is how they’ve been grown since the beginning. Every single banana on the shelf at your local supermarket is genetically identical. They’ve been identical since the 50s, and the fungus has adapted to them. Worse still, the particular fungus that’s now attacking the Cavendish cultivar is extremely resistant to fungicides.

    So yeah, without some sort of massive shift in genetic diversity, the Banana will no longer be a thing in Central America. Do note, that the banana is not a native plant in the Americas, and is cultivated widely in Southeast Asia. So yeah, the Banana will not go extinct, but it will vanish from American and European stores.