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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I can certainly get why you feel that way. It doesn’t help that people only show and talk about the cheery aspects of life. School in general tries to sell you a fantasy world where you can do anything you set you mind to. There is a grain of truth in that statement but for most people that is bullshit.

    As far as wanting to destroy the world, it helps to remember that most people are just muddling through life the same as you. They don’t necessarily like it anymore than you. They are just trying to make the best of the hand they have been dealt with.

    I agree that people largely suck, but it doesn’t help anyone to criticize them, all it will accomplish is making them defensive/angry. Instead I try to give them real heartfelt praise or compliments. It usually has the effect of cheering each other up and making you both happier. Sharing real appreciation is such a rare act that it is a wonderful surprise when someone does.

    Sorry, if I got too preachy there. I know sometimes you just need to vent your frustrations and advice is not really helpful. Regardless, I hope I helped you out a little bit.

  • Socializing in school is only really allowed in the ~20% of time not made up of lectures / homework. E.g. Recess/Lunch/In-between classes. The other 80% is largely made up of lectures and homework. Ideally those percentages should be flipped. 80% learning via social learning(socialization) / 20% lecture.

    Call me crazy, but I think humans learn best socially(conversationally) not by lecture via teacher. Talking and socializing should be integrated in how we learn and teach. The learning should largely be social between the students so that they actually learn material instead of just learning to temporarily remember the information for the next test.

    The teacher should drift between the groups of students and clear up any misconceptions or disagreements that occur.

  • It is very easy to get discouraged with various ideologies as they are often based in the abstract and therefore hard to apply to the real world. With that said I’ll give you a slice of my own thinking / research on the matter. At a high abstract level, I think most economies needs to be more socially owned instead of privately owned and more market based rather than command based. Some possible theories and policies to help bring this change about are Mutualism and Georgism.

    Mutualism encourages the concepts of mutual aid, workplace democracy and self management(cooperatives), and dual power. Dual power is essentially building alternative institutions to the ones that already exist in society until they can eventually supplant the existing institutions. Direct Action also plays a big role in anarchism in general and therefore Mutualism.

    Also some georgism inspired policies such as a UBI and a Land Value Tax to be good starting points as far as policy as they are policies that could redistribute wealth from capitalists(1%) to the people.

    There is obviously a lot more to unpack especially relating to Mutualism. Interestingly, there is a service built with the principles of mutual aid and direct action built and administered by @[email protected] called AI Horde.

    The underlying principles of direct action, mutual aid, and to a lesser degree dual power are ones that be implemented in your own life and are good places to focus your research in my opinion.