Ah yes, those notorious underage groomers.
Ah yes, those notorious underage groomers.
“I’m sorry, my lord. It appears we were only able to jerk off Han Solo and this one snowspeeder metal fabrication tech.”
I’m sure you can install an HP anywhere concentrator and remote into the machines from home, networking has solutions for things like this.
I’d watch AotC a dozen times back to back before watching TLJ again.
Oh damn wikipedia, that’s never been edited by someone with an agenda before. Go look up the dictionary/CompTIA definition of a rootkit, not what some FOSS bro edited the wiki page to be.
Unfortunately you can’t get through to these people. They refuse to accept that rootkit as a security concept isn’t just an admin level process that can be hijacked, but a specifically malicious bundle of programs that embeds itself in your firmware and runs in secret.
The anticheat isn’t running secretly, as the game informs you of its use and requirement. It also doesn’t access your MoBo firmware or UEFI, merely the kernel of the OS.
No one with even the bare minimum Sec+ cert would call it a rootkit, and only those with no actual knowledge take that claim seriously.
Also the Mass Effect overhaul was cool, playing as the Reapers lol
Nothing is stopping anyone from making something predatory from some angle at some time. You’re just slippery sloping this.
They had some weird moments where Tina reverted back to a flanderized version of herself depicted from the POV of someone who doesn’t understand nuance in character, then she was just the typical pissed off modern Hollywood teen archetype.
Claptrap should just be the BL2 VA if possible, no need to keep casting screen actors in VA roles.
And start being a good actor.
Cate Blanchett for Lilith, but no lines spoken to showcase her personality. Tina except she’s a Zoomer girl boss that occasionally lapses into the actual Tina in the most superficial ways, Roland but comedy, and the psycho as a main character when you have gunzerker and commando.
This just feels like another quick cash in on an IP that they believed they could turn into pulp action content.
For some reason FOSS bros don’t have any issues with capitalism or security when it comes to Steam, they think Gaben shits gold or something idk. It’s weird. Steam is virtually a monopoly and has had security vulnerabilities in the past but they just plug their ears and ignore it.
Yeah, it’s definitely getting difficult to identify the difference in PvE and PvP from a security and financial standpoint in the modern live service landscape. Games that don’t include direct competition still have aspects of them which can be messed up by other people with cheats.
A somewhat similar concept is how easy it is to stop at the space anomaly in NMS and get handed a stack of Starship AI valves that will immediately skip you past early-mid game progression in a lot of gameplay loops. It has nothing to do with paid currency which is why they don’t stop it but the idea is similar I guess.
Insert meme of guy sweating over two buttons here
Setting aside that there really shouldn’t even be an anticheat in a PvE game (unless progression allows you to unlock items that are real world currency based on which I could see why they’d want to stop people from accessing it without one of their two methods) the concept of a rootkit doesn’t equal “software with admin privileges.”
A rootkit is a package of different (specifically malicious) programs that are designed to hide themselves from your system.
Is the anticheat designed to be invisible when installed or running? No. Is it designed to specifically be malicious? No. Therefore it’s not a rootkit.
There’s a difference between software designed for malicious purposes and software that has the ability to be hijacked for a malicious purpose. These two aren’t the same and everyone with even a smidgeon of actual IT security knowledge would acknowledge that at the bare minimum which no one in this thread seems to have done yet.
This isn’t just semantics, rootkits are defined by their purpose not their permissions. Bunch of script kiddies in this website pretending their ability to install Arch makes them professional Comp Sci degree holders.
Reminds me of Darkest of Days.
System Shock 2 for old school, Prey (2017) for a more recent one.
Yeah it’s difficult to tell if it’s just the shit they’re eating or the specific chemicals inside it.
Damn close.
Network Engineer > Network Architect > Network King
Legend says he can identify the usable IP range before witnessing the subnet mask.