Conservative? Republican? Fuck yourselves. You’ll pay for your stupidity.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Its never too late to start learning something! I am sure you are well aware of your learning rate and how it changes as you get older but that doesn’t mean you cannot learn at all.

    As a beginner, often Python is recommended as a simpler language to pick up and start learning.

    Do you have a goal in mind with what you want to learn? Learning to write code in general is fine, but if you have an idea in mind that you want to program, different languages maybe a better starting point. For example if you want to build a web app browser based, id suggest learning front end tools like javascript. Whereas if its a desktop app you want to build, python would work well.

    Or maybe you want to just learn programming as a concept without any specific goals in mind beyond how stuff works?