I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.
My name is Frodo… Frodo Skywalker.
It does have a fascinating “how many times can this train keep wrecking” quality to it. I kind of hope the producers next turn The Room into a mini-series.
I’m trying to watch it in bits. I’ll watch for 20 minutes or so, then go do something interesting.
“More presidential.”
Paying for shipping violates the Amazon Prime directive.
Speaking of, when are we getting more Andor… maybe with some sweet crossover action with Din Djarin, they can call it The Andorlorian!
…that was a joke, please stop looking at me like that
I personally like the theory that they caught him using five eyes data, and skip the step where they write “US citizen” in the transcripts
“ let’s get you a scrum-rifle and see what you can do to improve your stats.”
They’re running the football beside the guard.
Not defending the westfall when it fell, that’s for sure.
Filmed in 1999 between oct and december. We are in the time of the 25th anniversary of the toe.
I can’t get you a ring, but how would you feel about a… monorail?
25 years ago this year. It was filmed about 2 hours outside Queenstown, New Zealand. I’ve been there, someone made a little shrine out of rocks at the exact spot.
These are hard times, and more are coming. And I don’t exactly remember the quote, but it’s along the lines of:
“When a run-away team of horses is headed off a cliff, the driver can sometime be seen encouraging them on, presumably, since he knows he cannot stop them, he at least feels some sense of control over the situation.”
Well, clearly you are not a bot on reddit then.
Adam something is such a strange name, too.
Timmy has a competing lemonade stand with your kid, and he charges $1 for a glass and you charge $3 for a glass. Rather than lowering your prices, you place a $2.50 tariff on any lemonade from Timmy in your neighborhood. Now everyone pays $3.50 for his lemonade, and it only makes sense for your kid to charge $3.50 as well, because Timmy’s lemonade has to get to your neighborhood while yours is local, so why not pocket that 50 cents.
In this scenario, Timmy cannot sell his cheaper lemonade to your neighborhood at a cheaper price. Everyone in your neighborhood must pay the new inflated price. People in other neighborhoods will go to Timmy, so only your neighborhood buys your lemonade, although some people will try to circumvent the tariffs by buying Timmy’s same lemonade for $2 in a neighboring area.
Please be good…