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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • You understand me correctly and correctly predicted my response. Your last paragraph is the interesting part however.

    Imagine you have an AI. It’s a fully functional self aware AI. Let’s call this software “Bob”. From one instance to the next, this software is just memory and processing inside a computer. It is aware of it’s place in the universe to the same extent we are. Let’s say you pause the CPU. Did you just kill the AI? Of course not. Now lets say you make a perfect copy of the AI on two separate computers in two separate locations. The AI asks me “which one is the ‘real’ me?” My answer is their both the “real you,” but one moment they start processing independently, they’re now two different individuals that deviate from the moment of the copy.

    Now lets say you change a stick of memory in the original AI, is that the same entity? If you unplug the memory cards and fly them to another location and plug them back in, is that the same entity? If you FTP the entity from California to Germany and install it on another machine, is that the same entity? It’s all the same answer as making a copy.

    We humans are only the sum of the software in our heads. There is no real us, only the code executing line by line in our biological processor. That’s why there is no “real you” in this discussion, only software, and the person on the other side of the transporter is just as much the real you as the copy that’s destroyed. You are just a self-aware program.

  • I dunno even if there is no you in a metaphysical sense the deconstruction method still ends your personal subjective experience of being you which sucks. Sure the next you might be just as much you as the first one but you don’t get to be around to enjoy that.

    But it doesn’t and that’s the point. You are not the collection of atoms that make up your body, YOU are the software program that is running on your brain-computer. The software program can be transferred (or copied) and you are still you. There is no “you” outside of that software.

  • The real problem with all of this is that people can’t get away from the idea of a soul. Something intangible unmeasurable that is really “us” riding around in a meat-robot. It’s hard for people (me included) to realize that the meat packaging is all that we are. If you destroy My body and recreate it, nothing will have been lost. The continuity within the meat computer in my head is all that I am. There is no “me” outside of that… And that’s a really hard concept to accept and internalize.

  • The issue is that romance tends to be prioritized over friendship in media even for straight relationships

    This doesn’t seem strange to me. Personally I do this. I’m in a committed long term relationship married, but even before that I prioritized romantic relationships above friendships. I don’t get why this is weird (forgetting the exaggerated “I met this guy I have nothing in common with 2 days ago and we’re so totally in love” part).

  • The simple reason is that it depends on what in the floor can’t actually handle the 2000 lbs. If it’s a floor 1’x1’ floor tile that will break, then Elon is right. If the loade limit is a beam that spans a larger distance, then he’s totally wrong.

    In places like a server room, you typically have a raised floor that supports tiles in the neighborhood of 1.5’-3 feet square. (The raised floor allows for all the cabling and air con to be run around the systems.) If you say that the floor can’t support more than 2000lbs that typically means they can’t guarantee enough of a safety margin and you run the risk of the object breaking through the floor. Musk’s wheel argument is crap unless he can be sure each wheel is not on the same floor support area. (Which obviously he can’t.)

    However floors the spec will typically have some safety margin and that probably kept him from going through the floor. His logic, while not 100% wrong in the basic statement, lacked a deeper understanding of what was going on and certainly doesn’t help the idea that he’s a Tony Stark genius. It was a Dunning-Kruger level dumb statement to make.

    If this statement was made in isolation I would give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he realized it was a stupid statement once he said it but he just didn’t bother to correct himself. However he’s made so many dumb and arrogant statements over the past few years, I assume it was just a dumb unsophisticated statement from someone who isn’t that bright.