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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I can speak as someone who thought they couldn’t do parties. Parties are incredibly intense, and can be the best or worst experience of your life depending on the smallest details. Eventually you will learn how to party best for you, what substances to take, what to wear, where to stand and what to do, which parties are just not going to work for you. Keep trying new things, but also if you’re not feeling it, take some time out or just leave.

    I think the older you get, the more you realize that everyone has imposter syndrome and anxiety all the time, but you just have to fake it until you make it. If you pretend everything is fine, it usually turns out fine.

  • But you’re dismissing all the scientific evidence that proves that resurrection is impossible. Even assuming all the anecdotal evidence is accurate, which I’m happy to do if it’s accepted by historians, the leap of logic from “some people 2000 years ago thought they saw a guy get executed then reappear a few days later, and they were surprised so they started a religion out of it” to “God is real” is unfathomable to me, and dismissed by any serious expert.

    It’s certainly a strange event in history and we can have a historical discussion about possible historical explanations. But this was originally a philosophical/theological discussion.

    I find these discussions interesting. It’s interesting to hear other people’s world view, why they believe what they believe, and to have my world view challenged.

  • Your argument is called Pascal’s wager. My main objection is there’s a lot of superstitions to try. If you want maximize the benefit of a strategy like you’re describing, you have to worship every god of every religion, obey every limitation on what you can do in every religion, superstition or conspiracy, take every supposedly magical medicine, ect. They all seem equally unlikely, but they are all believed by someone and if true would have huge benefits, so by your logic I should follow all of them completely. Except by doing that I am sacrificing most of my life for the tiny possibility of a benefit, rather than making the most of the life I know I have.

  • If you’re confused about a specific term, ask about that specific term, and you’ll get many people eager to help. Sorry nobody wants to get on an open ended video call with a stranger to teach you how to run a server, but that’s just how these forums work. Everyone’s setup is different so there’s not much I could do to help in your video call.

    Learning this stuff is hard, don’t let anyone tell you any different. We all went through the same struggles, perhaps for some people that was so long ago that they forgot how hard it was.