• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • This is like the “there are some responsible assault rifle owners” argument. Although corporations are not required by law to maximize investor returns, CEO “compensation” is often tied to “performance” so the incentives of those with the most decision power make it de facto required to maximize returns to investors. That’s why Musk needed to convince his board of directors (who are there to represent the best interests of the share holders) to approve some ridiculous pay package. His “performance” in their eyes is proportional to share holder profits so if they’re happy, he gets his absurd pay package, which is why his incentive is to maximize profits for shareholders by any means necessary.

  • Don’t you do some background checks on the sources you read & quote? Or do you tend to follow the herd? Here’s some info from Wikipedia on the founder & president of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg:

    Yehudit Karp, a former Israeli deputy attorney general, charged that Steinberg published material he knew to be wrong “along with some manipulative interpretation”.[21]

    Reporter Uriel Heilman said that Steinberg played “fast and loose” with the facts by repeating comments about the New Israel Fund that Steinberg knew were untrue. In response, Steinberg acknowledged that some of his reports were poorly phrased and promised to correct them.[22]

    In The Jerusalem Post, Kenneth Roth wrote that Steinberg shows a “disregard for basic facts” when writing about human rights.

    Imagine how hateful and depraved you would have to be to pay tons of money to Google Ads to promote your page and agenda to deceptively block people from donating money to those in need. That’s NGO Monitor and that’s what you’re supporting.

    Edit: I’m sure you’re also very interested to find out the facts behind Israel’s accusations of UNRWA workers so here’s the latest:


  • Yes and check the page of the founder & president of NGO Monitor, Gerald Steinberg:

    Yehudit Karp, a former Israeli deputy attorney general, charged that Steinberg published material he knew to be wrong “along with some manipulative interpretation”.[21]

    Reporter Uriel Heilman said that Steinberg played “fast and loose” with the facts by repeating comments about the New Israel Fund that Steinberg knew were untrue. In response, Steinberg acknowledged that some of his reports were poorly phrased and promised to correct them.[22]

    In The Jerusalem Post, Kenneth Roth wrote that Steinberg shows a “disregard for basic facts” when writing about human rights.

  • One of the vectors of Russian propaganda, which, unfortunately, has firmly stuck in the minds of even many educated Western figures, is about the supposedly strong anti-Semitism of Ukrainians. KIIS has been conducting research on inter-ethnic prejudice for many years, which shows that the attitude towards Jews in Ukrainian society is better than towards most of the other ethnic groups we studied. In December 2021 and January 2023, KIIS conducted surveys for the Embassy of the State of Israel, which also showed a fairly good perception of Israel (in particular, 52% considered Israel a friendly country against only 13% who did not think so[2]). Jewish organizations themselves refute the myths about anti-Semitic Ukrainians, and, for example, the chief rabbi of Ukraine Asman Moshe Reuven is very active in supporting Ukraine to repel Russia.

    The choice is in favor of a free democratic world against a world of medieval terror. If the current world events can be considered a clash of civilizations of the free democratic world and an alliance of authoritarian regimes of various stripes, then Ukrainians clearly identify themselves on the side of the first.

    “See you guys thought we were wrong racist but we’re actually right racist!”