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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nobody uses dropbox because they like dropbox. They use it because it’s usually the only such service supported by the stupid fucking app they need on the stupid fucking ipad their company insists they use which has no other viable way to put files on and off of the fucking cunting thing because apple is fucking stupid and so is this god damn company.

    Someone once told the IT manager that apple devices are “the most secure” and he doesn’t even fucking realise that by forcing us to use fucking stupid third party fucking services like fucking dropbox to get files on and off that they are subjecting confidential commercial fucking information to being fucking exposed to third fucking party boneless fucking cunts.

  • I disagree. I will not under any circumstances be advertised to in my own home.

    I’m happy to pay for your goods and services, but if you break that agreement our relationship is immediately concluded. The penalty for breaking the original terms of our agreement is that I will take what I originally paid for in perpetuity. You had your chance.

    Same rules apply for attempting to renegotiate the rules whilst the ball is in play: see Amazon’s new trend of attempting to charge an additional monthly fee of the same amount as the initial service to access documentaries etc. They’re finished.

  • I have also walked away from the franchise. I played the MW3 beta and it was an identical game to the one prior.

    They didn’t fix any of the things that ruined it.

    The trouble is, there’s really nothing else comparable that has a playerbase.

    My friends and I tried BF2042 for a while. It’s ok but still a pretty weak BF title IMO and even when you’re winning, not all that rewarding.

    There’s plenty of milsim titles with players, plenty of battle Royale titles with players, and CSGO still massive.

    What is missing is arcade style shooters like COD that are not COD, or movement based shooters. Whilst there’s plenty on offer, nobody is playing them.

    I know there’s some cool stuff in the pipeline. ‘The Finals’ play test was really cool but kept getting booted for “cheating”. A few others coming but right now there’s just nothing.

  • If you are aware of this issue, it is your obligation to tell all of your friends, family, associates and coworkers to stop using Chrome immediately, and try out a new search engine.

    It’s the least you can do.

    This behaviour by Google is not going to stop. The mask has slipped too many times. They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.

    Not many people will be ready to de Google their phones and stop buying their products. It’s the little things that will hurt them the most and show they’ve stepped over a line this last year or so.

  • Boot weirdo reporting in. I wear boots pretty much all day every day.

    My current favourite are “Steel Blue” brand, model: Argyle.

    They’ve been around for years now and each iteration has actually been an improvement.

    These things are so god damn comfortable, which is quite rare in a boot with such protection and a 300C sole.

    Can’t recommend them highly enough.

    I bought a ridiculously expensive pair of hiking boots and ended up going back to my steel blues because they just fit me so well.