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Max & Chloe ♥ 4 ever

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • That’s a very interesting question, actually. Can you explain how liberals are authoritarians? Beyond the contradiction in the wording (which, I mean, the DPRK exists, wouldn’t be the first time something isn’t what it says on the tin, lol) it sounds like a super interesting topic. I actually can’t figure out why they should scan as authoritarians to me so I would appreciate your input there.

    (Absolutely no sarcasm intended. I can’t seem to figure out how to phrase this better – I think it’s because from the context of the discussion there is an expectation that what I’m asking for elaboration on should be a trivial subject, but I’m no expert on this.)

  • this. you can pay little attention to politics without being a “centrist” who isn’t actually a centrist. news can be depressing as fuck, i’m hella glad i strongly limited my consumption of them, but that doesn’t mean i’m gonna start both-sidesing shit. (with the exception of tankies vs nazis, because those two are in fact the same authoritarian, anti-west, bigoted crap under different flags that love to larp against each other)

  • honestly, the whole concept of self-driving cars is fundamentally stupid in the way they’re trying to build them here. if there are specific cities where they can go on specific roads, the simple answer would be to install a positional tracking system on those roads (just like lane markings, but for computers), along with some pedestrian safety features and the right interfaces to respond to emergency vehicles and such. that could have been built by a couple of undergrads from stanford like five years ago. but no, we have to use far more overengineered solutions, for… why exactly? to be able to sell the tech later to individuals who can’t just upgrade their whole city?