Groovy baby, yeah!
Ah yes, a bloodsucker.
They are not. Education is at your fingertips.
Such patronizing comments.
The development company is Ukrainian, I’m sure they agree with you but are working with some tighter constraints than typical for game development. Please give them some slack on feature requests.
There is only one Stanley Cup. (OK maybe three)
This may be the best internet I’ve ever seen.
Aaaaaaand sued by Nintendo.
You’ve earned a trip to Risa with this post.
Was a higher up at Buzzfeed, if I recall.
My favorite meme format. It never fails.
Bild is doing this shit too.
Zapatista coffee is tasty I hear.
Like the coffee industry in many unfortunate ways.
This looks super cool. Hopefully it gets a wider release as well. What does “internet” mean?
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, American Heart Association, etc recommend a 400mg daily limit for caffiene. It may be affecting you in more ways than you know.
Streisand Effect in practice