• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I ended up getting fired for calling out all the sexism, racism, homophobia, favourtism and abusive managers. The then new covid policies ramped up everyone’s negative traits and I couldn’t ignore it any more.

    I ended up speaking with the corporate HR about the situation and they made an honest effort to help me but I was fired before I got a chance to speak with a very high up person.

    I got a lawyer involved and while not much difference was made after the settlement, I somehow forced the HR manager into early retirement. It amazes me considering my goal was only to get her into a work behavior training course. I never knew such pettiness could accomplish so much.

    All my co-workers shat all over my efforts for the 10 months I was engaged with all of that at the workplace. Also received a fair amount of hate from my co-workers after I got fired too which was neat.

  • I’m usually not into social media drama but I did watch the video. It’s set up in a way so you don’t have to know any of the people mentioned and don’t really have to care about the people mentioned afterwards either. It does take a really close look into modern plagiarism, specifically through YouTube and video essays. I thought the way all the information was really well presented.

    Hbomberguy starts off with an example of a plagiarist who responded poorly to his accusations. This was a set up for the following examples and call outs of plagiarists which further explored the various reactions and attempts at damage control to preserve a creators reputation. That was the main focus for the first half of the video. The second half then focuses on James Somerset which others have already explained in this thread. What I found interesting was how James Somerset was very much a culmination of all the prior examples. Yet he was able to navigate his way around the accusations while continuing to profit off other peoples honest work. The fact that James Somerset is removing himself from the internet shows how thorough Hbomberguy was in documenting the plagiarism.

    The video also touches on a things like Content Mills and AI Generative Art which still falls under the topic of plagiarism.

    I’m not an artist or creator in any capacity, I just found the video interesting. Especially how the examples or accused reacted to the discoveries of plagiarism. However, I think artists and creators could probably benefit from watching this video to understand the possibilities of what happens to your work once you release it to the internet. Plagiarism seems to cause a lot more grief and frustration once you start to look further past the act of a person simply taking someone else’s work.

  • The actual router rented out by the service provider. I don’t think they would be happy with me messing with their property.

    I also lived somewhere else where I didn’t have access to the main router so I use the extender as my personal network for file transfers, a few lights with a couple switches and my terrarium thermostat. If anything happens to the main router, I can just turn my extender into an access point and still have my personal network.

    TP-Link requires an account to use my own extender which annoys me. Their app redirects my connection to my extender through their cloud service. It’s not my VPN because I can still connect through the browser. Seems shadey and I don’t like having the account already.

  • I also use task.org and have found a nice set of customization options that works for me.

    Because I’m juggling different tasks with different priorities, I sort by immediacy and importance. Anything time sensitive has dates and alarms attached to it. Any tasks I wish to do currently or the next day is always moved to ‘HighPriority’ including any appointments.

    Medium and low priority stuff are things that have distant due dates or no due dates.

    I also use colours to visually show priorities I set for the day as well as adding comments to help add any extra context. Keeping titles simple is important for me to keep my data visually accessible.

    Most important is that I keep a widget on my home screen so that I always see what my tasks. Any step between seeing my tasks and staying on top of my tasks is a chance for something to be forgotten. It took me nearly half a year to get into the habit of using this app to organize myself but has helped me a lot.

    I also have a couple more lists for shopping and repeated reminders to help me stay on track too.

    Hopefully this is a good example of how someone can use these tools for themselves.

  • alwaysconfused@lemmy.catoAutism@lemmy.worldThe Horror
    1 year ago

    I ran into an issue involving just this problem a few years ago. I met someone while I was living abroad. We fell in love but we both had to go back to our respective countries eventually. We tried a long distance relationship for a short whole but agreed it wasn’t going to work out so we just remained good friends and spoke often to each other over video call for a number of years.

    When we first met, I found it super easy to talk with her because I was able to read her emotions from her facial expressions. She had a very expressive face which made it easy for me to understand subtext with her compared to other people. When we started talking over video call, I was still able to read her face so the conversation quality didn’t drop any noticeable amount.

    About half way into 2020 she moved to another country and wanted to have voice calls as her living conditions changed. Between standard voice quality loss in modern technology, my brains voice audio processing issues (voices in noisy backgrounds are muffled or garbled but I can hear a coin drop in a noisy automated manufacturing plant) and the loss of using video chat felt like I couldn’t talk or understand her anymore. I was using more mental energy to talk with her.

    Without video, I could no longer read her face. I could no longer understand her. She did not want to express her feelings verbally to help me understand things which didn’t help. It was a very confusing experience at the time because I didn’t understand what was happening until I was able to piece it together at a later time.

    Turns out I hate phone calls because I can’t read a person’s face to help build extra context about what a person is saying. I may not always get context right in face to face conversations but any little bit of information really helps. Facial expressions, body posture, tone and whatever else a person does while talking is all super useful information for me and a phone call strips all of that away.

    Eye contact is pretty bad but I’m more self accepting of bad eye contact. The loss of all those visual cues due to a phone call is stressful for me.

  • The supervisor in question definitely trash talked all of his “subordinates” but I don’t think it was particularly effective in this instance. He is past retirement age and his interpersonal skills are completely lacking which made him universally hated among workers and management. But he always said yes to management. So that makes him a useful idiot.

    If I worked in the office, I could definitely see this tactic being more effective. It was very common to see trade supervisors battling it out with other trade supervisors. The workers were all united through misery.

    The majority of the trades people I worked with were hyper focused on their masculinity by focusing their lives around marriage, children, cars, property and expensive things to express themselves. All those things require money. The people I worked with always needed money.

    So when all the answers to your problems is more money, how do you understand and treat someone whose motivations are not driven by money? How do you react when someone challenges authority and is still not motivated by money? Even when I plainly tell them why I am acting the way I am, they truly have a difficult time understanding me because money is so important to them.

    They also believe that change is impossible so I’m an idiot for trying. Personally, there’s nothing more motivating to me than being told I can’t do something.

  • Reading articles like these really makes me believe I am autistic. Fortunately I have a doctor appointment soon to see about a proper diagnosis.

    I was terminated a year ago from my last job for speaking out against the abusive behaviour of management as well as all the hate and bigotry from the tradespeople working on the workshop floor. That didn’t go over well so I went to corporate and was assisting them with an investigation into the abuse at my company. Unfortunately that investigation had to be halted as my company fired me conveniently after I made a call to the employee hotline about all the abusive behaviour. I was advised to call the hotline by corporate so they weren’t too happy with my company. So unhappy that they refused to represent them at the labour board regarding my wrongful termination case.

    I think what was interesting about the whole experience was that many of my coworkers could not comprehend that I did all this to help my fellow coworkers. I wanted change so we could all be treated with dignity. Even now with the lawyer involved, they think I’m in it for the payout. I do not care about the money. I want change. I want accountability. Fortunately I have a couple people in my life that understand that and are encouraging me to follow what I think is right. Everyone else thinks I’m an idiot and there are no words to describe how confusing that truly is.

  • alwaysconfused@lemmy.catoTech Support Memes@lemmy.caUsers be like:
    1 year ago

    I had no issue with covid safety and distancing.

    Management had been forcing more hours and more workload with no materials due to distribution disruptions.

    They began to push apprentices to take on lead hand roles and began threatening contractors their jobs. Contractors made up the majority of the workforce at the time.

    There was also a divide where people working on the floor had to do a special check-in while the office workers had a secret side door they could enter with no check-in even though the special check-in was required for all employees.

    The general manager was frequently yelling at all the contractors on the floor and had forced the severely understaffed shipping department to work 6 and 7 day work weeks. Basically 5 people to manage 3 buildings that were all 10 minute drives from each other but had constant full truck loads of robots and tooling. Some of which required 2 forklifts to load/unload.

    Trade managers were at war with each other, constantly fighting with the higher ups to get priority over other trades. More so than before covid.

    The general manager who two weeks earlier lifted covid restrictions, threatened the employees with split shifts (2 weeks days/2 weeks evenings) when covid cases immediately increased.

    Managers being racist towards chinese employees and contractors.

    Sending home apprentices for unrelated minor infractions while allowing older employees to basically completely disregard all covid precautions.

    I watched as upper management cause so much stress to my favourite manager that the poor guy had to take a leave of absence for severe stomach issues. When I saw him again, he lost a ton of weight and still looked ill. That was the price he paid for sticking up for his employees and contractors.

    They did nothing to protect the new female apprentices from constant harassment from older men.

    Promoted some of the worst, ill-tempered individuals to become managers. Ones who would retaliate against employees by giving them the shittiest jobs. The same managers who also mocked disabled people.

    I could go on but I’ve been gone for a year now and am forgetting things now. That industry as a whole in my area is just a complete mess and nightmare and I have no intention of returning after clearing my head.

  • alwaysconfused@lemmy.catoTech Support Memes@lemmy.caUsers be like:
    1 year ago

    When covid arrived and the new safety requirements entered the workplace, management lost their minds and became controlling and abusive.

    I told my fellow workers how to fight back but they chose to just be mad.

    I initiated a fight back against management and showed them how easy it was to fight back, but still they chose to stay mad.

    Because I was forced to fight alone for 10 months, I eventually got singled out and fired so my fellow workers stayed mad by redirecting their anger at me.

    These people spent much of their day trying to prove just how much of a man they all were but all I ever heard from them was “Oppress me harder daddy!”

    I’m free now but they are still there and still mad. Just like they want to be. So good for them! 🥰

  • The last few years after the arrival of covid, I’ve had a huge change of perspective about myself. I was working as an electrician for a large company. It is a male dominated industry and my place in particular had a lot of older workers. The majority of these men acted like ‘men.’ They made every attempt to show off their masculinity in any way possible. They would constantly one-up each other, crudely insult each other, make dick size jokes, talk about women in negative ways be it sublte or not, constant homophobia while at the same time making gay jokes with each other, belittle anyone below them (age, sex, hierarchy, apprentices, other trades), and expect others to blindly do as they say. There’s probably so much more I can’t even remember at the moment but that’s a quick glimpse into their mindset.

    I’ve always been a very quiet person content with observing the world and letting others chose to interact with me. I’m also very open and tend to not judge people. I’m also not someone who doesn’t “look” or act like they belong in the trades. I have more of a lean body type and have a hard time gaining muscle mass. I never spoke about women in negative or sexual ways, don’t own a car, didn’t show off my money in material items, ummarried and childless. The amount of pressure on me to be more manly was annoying but tolerable in the beginning. Then it got old but I pushed through because I wanted an apprenticeship.

    Then covid came and upended cultural norms overnight. People were told to do things for the safety of others. Part of being a ‘man’ is to not do what you are told (unless the boss is around!). Those who adapted to the new safety measures easily became targets. That meant I became an even bigger target. Suddenly every aspect of my life came under intense scrutiny. Riding a bicycle to work became a source of constant, daily bullying. Somehow covid reignited my marriage status and child free choices and that came under additional scrutiny by other ‘men.’ At one point someone kept insisting I take creatine pills in order to bulk up on muscle mass. It seemed like nothing about me was good enough for no sustantial reason at all.

    As my mental health declined, my girlfriend at the time became distant and angry at me for being depressed. While she wouldn’t outright say it to me, she seemed to expect me to “man up” and just deal with it. That really hurt considering she knew just how much individality and being myself was important to me. It also felt like feminism was for her and not for me as well. Suddenly she wanted me to buy a car so I can fit in and stop complaining. I also had a hard time talking about lgbt+ topics with her because her tone towards me subtly shifted. It was as if she thought I was a closeted gay. This combined with how I was treated at work was mentally devastating for me.

    After reaching my lowest, I decided to be the most annoying person possible. Fortunately I didn’t have to do much more since being me causes so much insecurity in people already. It also helps that I tend to appear emotionless so their words don’t have an outward, immediate affect on me, even if that shit is actually crushing me internally. I did start showing more defiance towards hostile leadership by pointing out their flaws which eventually lead to me getting fired. Oh well.

    Between reaching my lowest point to now, a year after being fired that I changed how I view myself and gender. Suddenly masculinity, and by extension, femininity made no fucking sense. Not that it did make much sense before but now the idea is dead to me. Besides a few more tattoos, nothing about my appearance has changed. For medical reasons, I’m still a male. I just don’t care to identity as a man. While non-binary is a suitable term for myself, I still prefer to as simply a person. I feel it describes me as simple as possible. A being just like anyone else. Undivided by physical appearance, individuality or heirarchy. It feels more inclusive that way.

    Maybe one day I’ll adopt the non-binary term but I’ve always been one to use simple and vague language. Terms and labels have often created more divide than discussion from my personal experiences and I do not like unnecessary confrontation. I also just really hate labels in all forms because I can’t remember the meaning of humanities’ infinity growing list of labels and ideologies.