• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Epic have come a long way from Epic MegaGames, and it isn’t always a fairytale story I suppose.

    Someone here on Lemmy highlighted that quite nicely when Valve dropped their Half Life documentary. Valve embraces their past. They cherish it. They still maintain their old games to honor their success.

    Epic on the other hand completely wiped old Unreal titles from the relevant stores and don’t give a fuck about supporting any of them. Which is a shame. Also I admire the tech behind of modern Unreal engines, so there are still geniuses at work who are likely passionate. Too bad they essentially only ride the Fortnite train outside their engine development.

  • I would consider Todd Howard to be part of development (since he directs the creative and narrative angle, from what I understand).

    He defended bad performance with “get better hardware”. He defended criticism of the content with “you play the game wrong”.

    Both are bullshit “excuses”. The first one was even debunked by modders who showed that there was potential for optimization. And modders are far more limited than engine devs. The game doesn’t look ugly, but there are far better looking games with more scene complexity out there that run better.

    And “you play it wrong” is bullshit because if enough people play it wrong to have an effect on the rating of the game, then the game is badly designed. Part of game design is making sure the game explains itself or subtly pulls players in the right direction. Either they failed with that, or there simply is no clear direction. But that’s not the players fault.

  • Was ich damit sagen wollte: bei so jemandem kann man jetzt weder unterstellen, dass er halt keine Fahrpraxis hat noch, dass sein Theoriewissen 60 Jahre zurück liegt. Wenn Oma Frida nach dem Tod ihres Mannes nach 40 Jahren das erste mal wieder am Steuer sitzt, kann man ja vlt. noch mit “die konnte das nicht einschätzen” abtun. (Auch wenn man selbst dann vlt. soviel Verstand verlangen sollte, dass man in dem Fall freiwillig auffrischt oder die Finger vom Auto lässt.) Aber bei einem Profi kann (und sollte, mMn) man schon härter vorgehen. Wenn man schon von einem Profi keinen sachgemäßen Umgang erwarten kann, wie zum Fick sollte man dann jemals von einem “Laien” irgendwas erwarten? Da kann man ja quasi bei jedem normalo Autofahrer Vorsatz einfach weglassen, weil “kann der ja nicht wissen, dass das passiert”.

  • If a significant amount of people “misunderstood” you, it’s not their fault, but yours for not clearly communicating or not tailoring your communication for the target audience.

    Same here: if people play the game “wrong”, you didn’t design it properly and/or marketed it completely wrong.

    Sure, there will always be “dumb” (or too clever) individuals who you simply can’t properly address and satisfy, but if the group is large enough to be loud, you failed your job.