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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I still have yet to argue in favor of more copyright, I don’t know why you’re still arguing against something we both agreed was bad, but this is the first time in a while I’ve heard UBI called radical in the face of capitalism, I don’t think it gets at the root of the problem of capitalism or of the smaller AI vs artist problem as I’ve explained previously. The relations of production and profit don’t budge an inch. I’ve also never said I oppose UBI though, in fact I said if it helps keep people fed and sheltered that’s great. I just see it as a stopgap ‘solution’ that will buy time and comfort until the market adapts on how to recuperate that money since it can expect every citizen to get that every month, I don’t trust a free market not to ruin that. Furthermore specifically in the face of AI versus artists, the consequences are already happening and the push at a political level for UBI is lower than when Andrew Yang was running, and since the political level is where UBI would have to come from, I don’t like the idea of not trying anything else until then.

  • Because the western world has no other framework for intellectual property other than copyright claims, and the people who write the laws and discuss the solutions are the people already at the top who have property to protect. If copyright in it’s entirety disappeared tomorrow with nothing in it’s stead the very first people to lose and lose the most will be the small artists, because there’s nothing to stop people or companies with massive resource pools just steamrolling over them, in fact I can’t see that move(eliminating all copyright) doing anything but accelerating a monopoly forming to whichever company can steal and distribute art the best. My best guess says if you try to solve that problem you’ll find solutions that will at least alleviate the AI problem for smaller creators. But again I don’t know what you’re expecting of me, If I had the regulation all figured out, I probably wouldn’t just be jawing about it on Lemmy, and you yourself said you cannot figure it out and it’s related to your field. Because right now like you said, more copyright will slowly strangle creators, and like I just said no copyright will let them be steamrolled over by anyone who can sell or distribute it for a lower price than them. UBI make sure the artist doesn’t die. Great honestly, better than just letting people drop, but if all the artists work can simply be stolen for profit by those that didn’t make it, and they have to subsist on the payments everyone gets, then there’s really no such thing as an artist in terms of vocation anymore, nor would there be enough opportunities to profit from your own artistic work. I don’t know the solution any more than you do, but to me I don’t think UBI is good enough because I believe being an artist is labor worth being paid for. I think we need something targeted at the AI problem, not something reactionary, and not something necessarily targeting the AI itself, perhaps targeting the relationship between people who create art, people who distribute it, and people who profit from it, since often times those aren’t all the same person.

  • UBI is a bandaid that doesn’t solve the core issues of production under capitalism, the people with capital still control production, still make more money than eveyone else and still have more money and power to use influencing the politicians that write the laws surrounding UBI. And expecting me to solve the AI problem in a comment section is like me asking you to implement UBI in a way that landlords dont just jack up rent or business dont inflate prices with more cash and demand floating around, also whats your plan for when the level of UBI legislated , or planned increases in UBI is no longer sufficient enough to pay for housing food and other necessities? What do you do to counter the fact that the capitists still have more access to politicians and media empires they can use to discredit and remove UBI?

  • Sure but lets say you try to solve this problem. What’s the first thing you think a coordinated group could do, get sensible regulations about AI, or overthrow global capitalism. Its framed the way it is because unless you want ro revolt that’s the framework we’re gonna have to use to deal with it. I suppose we could alwyas do nothing to AI specifically and focus on just overthrowing capitalism, but during that time lots of harm will come to lots of workers because of AI use. I dont think anticapitalism has reached a critical mass (we need this for any real sustem wide attacks on and alternatives to capitalism) so I think dealing with this AI problem and trying to let everyone else know about how it’s really a capitalism thing would do more to build support and avert harm to workers. I hate that its like that too but those choices are basically the real options we have moving forward from my pov.

  • I dislike both Tesla and Musk but as an automotive company I’d wager they have good safety factors on at least most of their engineering, so for example in the name of keeping the battery from degrading too fast the tesla probably stops drawing power from the battery when the battery voltage drops to a certian number. The safety factor just means that the number it shuts off at is likely a good bit before the batrery would theoretically start to take damage.

    I can’t find any other reason they would intentionally keep range off the product, because its not like they selling a solution to it. So I assume they probably just lowered the voltage at which the Tesla stops drawing power because getting stuck in the hurricane was obviously more dangerous. I could be wrong though, this is just from my expirences with bateries in engineering applications.