I once used a virtual desktop in the cloud, and I could access that from anywhere. It was just a regular OS that had all my tools, and it was where my work was done changes. Ultimately, that remote desktop went away when I changed jobs. But, it would be something I would think about again for me.
There is a danger of things going poof, or not being accessible. It cannot be helped at all. But a push to a backup repo during each commit, would allow an emergency restore. Doing a snapshot every few days of the machine, for example if its on AWS or other, helps lessen the loss when and if it goes poof.
To solve the issue of the internet going out, have one of your local computers do a regular pull as a cron job of the backup repo
I first saw the NYT article a few weeks ago. It seems that the stats are accurate?
After seeing 1% of the population die during covid, I was realized that huge amounts of the population can just die, and not many notice, and life continues without that much interruption.
Ordinary people never make it into news: their births, their accomplishments, their deaths.