Depends. Did you remember your wad of hundreds and pack of Magnum condoms?
Depends. Did you remember your wad of hundreds and pack of Magnum condoms?
Oh dear are you in for a ride haha enjoy it, and do come back when you’ve finished and tell me what you think of the ending
I used to be a gamer. Still am, but i used to too
My dad-in-law is like this, dismisses games as a "time wastin brainrot "then proceeds to sit in the dirty diaper of ‘tv news opinions’ he just leaves on the tele all day
Zionists are the far-right wing of Israel’s political milieu
Rely, Depend, Propose
Sniper Elite lol! Love that damn game. Someone out there had the job programmin nazi-nutsacks, and they took their job serious. Such loving attention to destructive detail. i never once got tired of explodin them in slow motion from 500 yards. What a hero
Ah thanks. Construction guy, ain’t an amazing gig but we don’t have this particular work pain
What’s with “As discussed”?
No he used to play football, it’s Ed o’Neill’s character (Al Brady).
Was jennings the driver or a kid on the bus?
Y’all need to try them nuts made of d’s
I really like farthest frontier which is chill if you turn off bandits and stuff. Its not finished yet, but i have sunk hours and hours in regardless. If you haven’t looked at it, do.
Yarr, but what if we be having one?
“Mark of the ninja” low sysreq sidescrolling stealth game, multiple routes/playstyles. lots of fun, should be cheap too