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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • No. Zod’s fine, if slow as molassas.

    The library I was referring to is typebox (I wasn’t going to name&shame, but I guess it doesn’t hurt). By some metrics, it’s the second-most-popular validation library, despite the fact most devs have never heard of it. And according to a lot of benchmarks, it’s incredibly fast. But that sinclairzx81 guy was really immature on reddit, starting a bunch of arguments and then up and ragequitting the threads. And as far as I can tell, he’s the only owner/merger. It sorta scares me about using it until at least enough other active users embrace it that it would be reasonably forked if he pulls a why the lucky stiff

  • abraxas@sh.itjust.workstolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldditch discord!
    8 months ago

    There’s a growingly popular javascript schema validation library I avoid like the plague because its author was a whiny child on reddit who would get into flamewars with a bunch of people and then suddenly delete all his comments.

    There’s a lot of reasons not to trust a library with an unstable Code Owner.

  • Yeah, trust me, Linux Gaming used to be real shit. “When it works it works” is lightyears better than it used to be.

    I remember in my linux-only years, trying to muddle through linux exclusives. Oftentimes you had to be super careful because linux doesn’t love prepared binaries

  • abraxas@sh.itjust.workstolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTwo moods
    9 months ago

    I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate WSL with a passion that makes me scream. It has BSOD-looped a computer on me before. WSL is the only thing worse than making Linux work on something like a Legion.

    Adding Docker Desktop on top of WSL is just a disasterpiece, and I have to work against a large dev docker cluster on a regular basis.

    But if I’m being honest, none of that matters for gaming.

  • I mean, I freaking LOVE linux. And for what it’s good for, it’s the best of the best. I’ve never had a better dev experience than in Ubuntu, mostly because WSL is a pale shadow of a good unix backend (and because Macs, while good, are still subpar for that purpose). But that means I’m already committing 40 hours a week to maintaining and using my machine!

    But for gaming? For casual use? I dunno. The hardware has to be hand-picked carefully, as do the games.

  • This seems to be the Windows/Linux yinyang in gaming.

    If you go through the effort (or non-effort. It really seems to be luck-based) of getting a gaming rig working in linux, 99% of the time it is simply better at everything, crashes less, etc. The 1% can require hours or more of troubleshooting.

    Windows runs slower and worse than linux, and arguably less stable. But you boot up, click play, and (largely) it just plays.

    That’s also my recent experience with Ubuntu on a gaming laptop. Every single step of the way gives me trouble, but when I manage to run something in the linux side, boy does it run well. So I’ve got this nice “todo” since I already blew my only free day on it last weekend.

  • abraxas@sh.itjust.workstolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTwo moods
    9 months ago

    Well that too. The real joke is that despite the fact we’ve had 10 “years of the linux desktop”, it’s still an absolute bitch to get PICK A GAME working on that shiny linux box.

    My new Lenovo Legion, I’m struggling with desktop graphics tearing issues in linux (just viewing the WM, of all things). When i have time, I’ll muddle through it, but I can’t pretend that is easier in linux than windows. It’s vendor-driven, sure, but the end user doesn’t care why they waste 8 hours doing setup work, only THAT they do.

  • I got it for free on Epic a year or two ago. I love everything about Control - and I can’t stand the game.

    Never quite figured out why. I think part of it was the controls feeling a little too “arcadey” for me? I just don’t know. Great story that I couldn’t stay into. Great level design which I kept losing track of. Fun puzzles that got on my nerves.

    I played most of the game in Assist mode because I don’t like hard action. I quickly got sick of dying. But that didn’t affect my love/hate of the game. Perhaps if it had the “magic action balance” where your’e constantly challenged but never seem to die… but perhaps not, too.

    I think in part it got sorta tedius.

  • Welcome to the United States. Federally speaking at least, there are very few protections for hiring/firing. You can be fired for your hair color, unless the hiring manager is as much of an idiot as he is an asshole and says “black people don’t have blonde hair” (happened in a Hooters case I remember reading). The company policy reads “right hair color for your skin tone”, and is actually normally enforceable in the US because it’s implying no “unnaturally dyed hair”. They hypothetically can turn away an Asian redhead with no legal ramifications so long as she dyed her hair that way.

    So yeah, they can 100% not hire you because you’re a Scorpio. More realistically, you’d probably see someone who doesn’t hire Aries, Virgo, or Aquarius because the New York Post had an article claiming those three signs are more likely to get fired.

  • Age discrimination in the US at least is driven by “40 or over”. I think any lawyer would be able to argue that “which day of the year you’re born” is not indicitive of a protected class. Because we’re fucked in the US and you can still formally be passed up on a job for being under 39 years old as long as you it’s not because “you’re almost 40, and we’re not allowed to get rid of you when you turn 40”

  • Every time I’ve seen an HR degree, conflict resolution was a required course.

    It’s one thing to say that they’re “not good at it”, but I suppose by expert I mean professional qualifications. I like to have coworkers who are proficient in their professional qualifications, and then forgive them for the things they’re not qualified in but replace them if they are incapable in the things they are supposed to be qualified in.

    Maybe I’m a jerk, but I’m used to having competent people around me and having difficult discussions with those who aren’t. HR is the same as any other department in that, to me.

    EDIT: I realize how much of an asshole I sound like. To be clear, I’ve got the Boston IT scene in my blood. Starting salaries in the 6-figure range, incredibly low oversight. But zero pity for people who can’t keep up. I know I need to have more sympathy than that for people who aren’t as capable in their job - it’s not like I love capitalism as concept.

    And I recognize the irony of acknowledging my own assholishness when the topic is Linus Torvald’s assholishness. But then, I’m also used to HR that can move heaven and earth to reconcile a situation with a valued employee. To keep your job where I come from, you need to be so valuable that they’ll hide bodies for you (figuratively).

  • You are under the very relevant misassumption that HR is less likely to be handling a situation inappropriately

    I have something called an “expertise bias” that I use to make decisions. In a vacuum, I trust an expert to solve a problem over someone with no experience in a given field. I don’t ask a barista to fix my car, or my doctor to fix me a latte. Both can screw up in their field, but they are less likely to do so than someone without experience in their specialty. I’m not a barista, a doctor, or an HR expert. Or to put it simpler, the odds of an HR person mishandling someone being non-serially abusive in the workplace is simply lower than the odds of the situation without that person involved. I need this attitutude to live; if a junior dev is trying to override the devops engineer on infrastructure, you’ll never guess which one usually wins.

    A simple verbal overstep, on the first occurrence

    What are you talking about now? The topic at hand wasn’t verbal and certainly wasn’t merely an overstep. We have a an insulting teardown in writing. Substantively different from a verbal teardown. I never said the moment a person loses their cool with em and tells me “fuck off man” I’m knocking on HR’s door. But if a senior dev on my team sends this flaming email to a junior dev on my team, I better find out about it and it’s getting handled… By HR.

  • I love how everyone online is psychic.

    Actually, I’ve watched two GREAT workers and good people end up losing their jobs because a easily resolved situation turned toxic. The person who felt uncomfortable tried to take care of it 1-on-1 but had too passive aggressive a nature to really be clear when she confronted the guy.

    So 6 months or a year later, she was on the verge of quitting and went to HR. He was terminated because it had gone too far. She left soon after because she still wasn’t comfortable at work after the cause of that ended.

    …look. I “obviously never dealt” with anything because nobody is allowed differing opinions here, but I have 20+ years experience at businesses where the existence or lack of good HR has been a deciding factor of the work-culture and comfort level of team members. I work 1-on-1 with my company’s Directors of HR on a regular basis to make sure my team is happy and because I am involved with other teams at my job who have their own interpersonal conflicts. One of HR’s responsibilities in a good company is to involve themselves in interpersonal conflicts BEFORE decisive action has to be taken.

    The problem is that face-to-face confrontations without a mediator don’t always end well. And I would rather not have HR decide “we have to fire our Rockstar senior dev or this random guy”. But if you address it earlier, HR deals with it earlier (yes, because the paper trail m eans HR can’t just fire “this random guy” later over the Rockstar senior dev). It’s win-win for all parties INCLUDING the Linus Torvalds in this explanation.

    But I’ve “obviously never dealt with a real-world scenario” and my experience doesn’t count. So you can ignore everything I said.