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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Same. When my dad turned retirement age I would make absolutely sure every waiter and cashier knew he was a senior. I’d loudly ask if his senior discount had been applied. Ah, the sweetest of petty revenges.

    (Karmic backlash: my kid has always been tall and strong for his age. I lost out on years worth of “kids for free” discounts. The ONE time I tried to eek him under an age limit he quite expertly shut down any shenanigans by stating his birth date, age to the day, and a proclamation that he would be ordering from the non-kid menu anyway, so it didn’t matter. He had just turned 6.)

  • Data was artificial and autonomous. The Dr originally wasn’t autonomous, it could be argued he’s just part of the ship, but the holo emitter changed that. I’m amazed the Daystrom institute let him keep it, but since it’s apparently his, and that makes him autonomous, I would argue he’s just like Data (minus the permanent corporeality of course). I suppose there’s a question about ownership given his origins as a Starfleet asset, but since he can be replaced with a copy of the original program, there’s no real material loss in letting him leave the ship.

  • Shamans.

    “Look, he said he knows where all the fruit bearing trees in this forest are. Not a lot of them, all of them. He pointed out a squirrel the other day and told it he was glad to see that it made it through the winter. I don’t know how he does it, but if he says we have to move because the squirrels are starting to move to new trees, who am I to argue? We move.”

  • The Cage, the original pilot, was filmed and screened in 1965. It was reworked into “Menagerie”, which contained a lot of the original footage, but aired in 1966.

    So you’re saying the original timeline, well call it the Pike Prime timeline, is the real timeline, and that the show containing Kirk & Co, and everything from 66 onward, is fiction.

    That’s a good head canon, I like that.

  • “You are suddenly struck by a vision of every possible decision every version of you across every possible timeline in every possible universe could ever possibly make. You don’t remember the question. Everyone in line behind you is staring at you in silence. It is your turn to choose.”