• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2023


  • YES! I have always LOVED that line!

    Good god that whole fucking album is just SO damn good and is STILL (frustratingly) relevant and on point! It had a big impact on me unlearning a lot of bullshit that I was raised with and opening my eyes. I love it so much and I am super stoked to see it mentioned here!! :)

  • I’m not even 16, why do I feel ancient

    I don’t know if this will help you, but I think that’s pretty normal. I felt similarly at your age in some ways and in other ways I felt like a baby, depending on how I looked at things. I still feel that way and I’m twice your age! It’s weird. Growing up is weird. I feel for you. 💖

  • They sent me an email asking to call them back, and now I work for them :3

    Woohoo!! I’m glad they handled it that way and didn’t get all weird about you not answering like some people do. Sounds like they handled it perfectly! I’m glad it worked out and I hope you like working for them! :)