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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Great list. In my area, I only need to avoid Maxi and Provigo.

    There are so many small “dépanneurs” and specialty grocery stores.

    They all have amaizing deals on their niche products:

    • rice, lentils, dehydrated beans, spices, chili, bitter gourd >>>> indian store
    • rice, sauces, noodles, mushroom, fish/seafood, daikon >>>> asian store
    • beans, spices, coconut, plantain, okra, eddo leaf >>>> jamaican store
    • arabic, latin american, senegalese, etc. grocery stores in addition to bakeries, fish mongers, butcher shops, etc.

    Every speciaty store has their own fresh produces from typical fruits and vegetables we see everywhere to uniques ones found nowhere else.

  • This is beautifully familiar.

    Am I seeing too many similarities between how Twitter/X was taken over and singlehandedly being irreversibly ruined?

    While Windows is stubbornly becoming increasingly user-adversarial (advertising, constant intrusive updates, forced transition from your favorite browser to Microsoft Edge, etc.) and unintuitive (sometimes even counter intuitive) interface design, placement and inaccessible settings.

    Well, delighting in schadenfreude, I won’t complain. Microsoft is inadvertently helping me help transition many friends, family and colleagues to various flavors of Linux systems, namely Linux Mint (whichever desktop they prefer) and/or Pop!OS most of the time, but also occasionally Fedora or a particular flavor of Ubuntu.

    I never recommend Arch or rolling release systems or immutable systems to first time Linux user so as to preemptively avoid additional layers of complexity, learning curve, downtime and troubleshooting.

  • The essential part at the end:

    “ When reached for comment, Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt directed me to Reddit’s API FAQ page and said the company couldn’t comment further because it’s in a quiet period and doesn’t “comment on confidential business conversations and/or agreements.” ”

    We can infer that it was not the fountain of money they thought it would become.

    More telling is their silence. Who doesn’t want to promote and advertise how profitable they are to potential shareholders just before an IPO.

  • I regularly “deep freeze” or make read-only systems from Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu, Linux Mint LMDE and others Linux Distros whereas I disable automatic updates everywhere (except for some obvious config/network/hardware/subsystem changes I control separately).

    I have had systems running 24/7 (no internet, WiFi) for 2-3 years before I got around to update/upgrade them. Almost never had an issue. I always expected some serious issues but the Linux package management and upgrade system is surprisingly robust. Obviously, I don’t install new software on a old system before updating/upgrading (learned that early on empirically).

    Automatic updates are generally beneficial and helps avoid future compatibility/dependency issues on active systems with frequent user interaction.

    However, on embedded/single purpose/long distance/dedicated or ephemeral application, (unsupervised) automatic updates may break how the custom/main software may interact with the platform. Causing irreversible issues with the purpose it was built for or negatively impact other parts of closed circuit systems (for example: longitudinal environmental monitoring, fauna and flora observation studies, climate monitoring stations, etc.)

    Generally, any kind of update imply some level of supervision and testing, otherwise things could break silently without anyone noticing. Until a critical situation arises and everything break loose and it is too late/too demanding/too costly to try to fix or recover within a impossibly short window of time.

  • Perhaps it may come as a surprising opinion but I have met and known a lot of great Americans that are kind and polite to a fault while knowing some Canadians that are petty warmongering ignoramus.

    Nevertheless, I can understand that I probably haven’t met enough Americans from every States to have an overview of the ignoramuses that exist accross the border (beyond what is depicted, often exaggerated, in the media and memes — excepting the whole neverending Trump & Friends saga). Not that I absolutely want to meet them either, I have enough to deal with easily Facebook duped and misinformed relatives and sometimes colleagues.

    I somehow felt like sharing my general experience after seeing that funny comparison of perceptions.

  • These online password manager services are all half-baked scams that get away scot-free in any event of a breach (whichever the ones they just cannot silently hide away).

    Only when/if they offer a minimum compensation backed by third party reputable Surety Insurance of at least US$5000 for every single breach for each compromised password/key/wallet/service for each effected customers would I even consider take a gander at their “unbreakable/unhackable” password manager service.

    Until such a day arrives, I will continue to use FIDO2 hardware keys (Yubikey), asymmetric certificate pairs (gpg2, SSH, TLS, etc…) and the good old remember all my darn long passwords in my brain for symmetric ciphers (rjindael, serpent, chacha20, etc…) with the added help of Argon2id whenever implemented/available.

    I sure hope companies becomes financially liable and accountable for all their privacy/security breaches unlike the last few decades of no consequence or just getting away with a negotiable fine.

  • Well, that took them long enough.

    I don’t know about other governments and institutions but Windows went to shit long long ago.

    I switched to Ubuntu (lubuntu or xubuntu back then) when I saw all the MetroUI shenanigans.

    Since then, I have played with many kind of Linux distribution and currently settled with a mix of TrueNAS Scale, Linux Mint (cinnamon), Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu (core), NixOs and Android (mobile, tablet, nvidia shield pro).

    After also switching family and relatives over to Mint or Ubuntu (the less tech savvy ones or those that did everything in the browser email/YouTube/online shopping), my life became so much easier whenever I gave them tech support. Nowadays, I almost exclusively give tech support for Linux systems for family and avoid Apple/Microsoft whenever wherever I can.

    Really, windows will continue to go downhill (Microsoft account, advertising within OS, untimely updates, updates that breaks whatever whenever, the list is endless…). ChatGPT will give them a crutch but not forever.

  • Really‽ I just checked and many of the small subreddits I used to follow became much less interesting/active if not dead.

    Meanwhile, some of the bigger subs became a repost dumping ground of years old posts/images/videos/memes by fairly new accounts (i’m guessing those are bots karma farming).

    The fediverse is the much better way IMHO.

    In any case, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit have become too toxic to use I will keep away (though, I never had a Facebook nor a Twitter account)