Yeah, but…that sounds like effort. Much easier to slap a stabby bit on the end of a stick and only occasionally accidentally kill a random goat.
Yeah, but…that sounds like effort. Much easier to slap a stabby bit on the end of a stick and only occasionally accidentally kill a random goat.
There were other ways to successfully play base Skyrim??
Wave Race!
I remember I somehow owned a Gameshark at one point and figured out how to add in Turbo and Big Head mode. I also dimly remember the title music for the game, which was awesome.
Sounds like someone got promoted to a high position. If I’m right it’s the typical “New Manager Must Make Waves To Prove They Belong” level of stupid unique to corporate.
I just want to point out that this is typical. Even when we’re blaming someone or something for all the bullshit we still can’t agree.
That is shit, but also just a little funny.
Then again I love Dark Souls so this may just be the ptsd talking.
Good point.
What’s the alternative?
What this post doesn’t tell you, dear reader, is how Frostpunk will kick you in the dick repeatedly and you’ll learn to like it. It is a fascinating and difficult game, and not one to take lightly if you struggle separating digital game characters from real life empathy.
Getting the “lets assume this isn’t AI” out of the way:
I am somehow extremely disappointed that people who support this obviously corrupt and evil little man also have talents like art, and music, and probably others.
Man, 10 years ago I was in the middle leaning Left. Now I am so far left most ideas from the Right feel atrocious. I mean, they are…you know what I mean though.
I feel it’s rather fair to give them a pass on this one. Games with a player base and longer than a passing fart of time in the market? Sure. This was a failed product. They issued refunds. This is a situation where pushing your luck just backs someone into a corner.
We can hope they’ll flip the assets and remodel into another title.
Just saying, I had an epic battle against 6 spiders hanging out between my outer screen door and my inner door. I knew they were there. I brought the fight to them.
It was glorious!
I’m arachnophobic.
A couple days later and I’m still feeling anxious.
You know the size of a top of a normal 12oz soda can? Put one on top, spread the fucker out a little and they’d probably touch the rim with their feet.
Someone get me the peppermint oil and the flamethrower.
I got a NEW credit card faster than my bank was able to reissue and send me a replacement debit/credit. By like half the time.
I wasn’t aware biometrics were more secure. My info is clearly out of date! Though I was also thinking of the forced unlocking of phones by, er…other people.
Police. I’m talking about the popo.
Good old Tasker should be able to handle the bulk of automating things like an auto-shutdown. Might still need to insert custom code BUT they have a community. A couple searches and verification that you’re not being a dumbass and downloading something malicious and wham bam easy - or manually type it out. I dunno. Don’t be big dumb.
Tasker ain’t obsolete yet, dammit!
To further protect yourself, you can also:
Formally request that large transactions through your bank be done with you present, in person. Ask if you can set a limit and only if done in person also temporarily lift that limit.
Obtain a credit card. Either you fight to get your money back when fraud hits, or they fight to get their money back. You can guess which team is better staffed. I was procrastinating for ages getting one myself. Then another fraudulent transaction hit. Despite having a fair amount of knowledge in this realm and doing a solid amount of research independently AND reporting it immediately, it still took days to get money actually placed back into my account. AND THEN IT HAPPENED AGAIN with a brand new card within 30 days. Likely the shitty auto update service large organizations can subscribe to, or I got unlucky on a brute force attempt. Either way, a CC will save you this hassle.
Passwords only on your phone. No biometrics without a backup plan.
I’ve struggled a lot too. Nothing quite helps enough, which leaves me like progression blue-balled on tasks. What HAS helped the most is allowing myself to do multiple tasks at once. I write them down and just do what I feel like as they come around. I also made sure to find work that allows me to do this. So basically I built parts of my life around my adhd so that the walls I bounce off of are at least walls I need to hit.
This is without treating my sleep apnea, no therapy, and no medication. However, it has also meant having a very solid understanding of what I cope with and how I cope with it. Because I have depression separate from adhd, and anxiety which is fueled by both and some trauma, the single most effective thing I’ve ever done is take the time to truly understand each aspect.
Now I can mentally set aside my anxiety and am able to will myself to not listen to that cruel little voice. For my depression I’ve learned to accept it and work with it rather than fighting. With ADHD I adapted my circumstances rather than try to force the adhd to work with everything else. So far the only thing I haven’t found a way to do is force myself to do tasks I don’t want to do. There MUST be some reason, otherwise I’ll procrastinate.
I don’t expect any of this to help. I do hope some of it does, though. We all deserve to be able to look forward to the next day, if only a little.
It was hard because the controls were abysmal, with some otherwise difficult sections to go alongside the controls. That said, the game itself had a lot of charm. I remember it with fondness.
Pride and projection, with a healthy cultural component. It usually takes a generation for values to catch up. Not much different than the asian dad stereotype, except with a primarily physical component.
Important to remind everyone that a LOT of your negative memories and feelings surrounding OW1 and 6v6 were due to the migraine magnets called 2cp. Literally a stand in the choke for 9 years and see who correctly uses every Q under the sun correctly first.
I was blessed with a strong body. Even as I age my reflexes are still there. My whole body coordination still exists. I am still strong, physically adaptable, and can lose weight easily. Any physical activity is not yet out of reach I’ve found. However…
My metabolism has slowed.
Injuries heal slower.
I have some pains I didn’t have before.
I do get tired more easily.
It catches us all in different ways. I’ve been luckier than most in some aspects, feel it I still do and it’ll only get worse.
We might actually find that hilarious in another timeline.
Oh I promise you that isn’t the point.