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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’ll rephrase them, except in good faith:

    1. Talking directly to the people about the work is better than a 95 state JIRA pipeline

    2. Document your finished working work, not every broken POC, because that’s a waste of time

    3. If the contract isn’t actually going to meet the desires of your stakeholders, negotiate one that will

    4. If you realize the plan sucks, make a better plan.

    My company paid to have Kent Beck come to workshop with our Sr devs. I expected to dislike him, but he won me over pretty quick.

    I don’t remember what it was, but someone was like “Kent, we do X like you recommend in the manifesto, but it creates Y, and Z problem for us”

    And he was like “So, in your situation it isn’t providing value?”

    Guy was like “No”

    “Then stop doing it.”

    It’s not hard. It’s the most fucking common sense shit. I feel bad for them because these guys came from a world where there were these process bibles that people were following. So they wrote like, basically a letter saying “if your Bible doesn’t serve you, don’t follow it”

    And all these businesses dummies were like “oh look, a NEW bible we can mindlessly follow”

  • Pretty much every country fired up their money printers to power through covid.

    Here is Canada’s money supply:


    Every other country did the same thing. Although I think governments, companies, and individuals are stumbling through the shock of such an unprecedented injection of supply… Ultimately IMO this is a global “hangover” from covid money printing.

    This is why I’m hesitant to over-attribute current economic conditions to things like “approaching limits of growth”. To me, those are zebras. Unprecedented monetary supply manipulation are horses. When I hear hoofbeats, my first guess is the horses.

  • Windex007@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldThe problem in a nutshell
    2 months ago

    Even the original trilogy isn’t “great”. The star of Star wars has always been the fantasy universe. The story was already cannibalizing on itself by ROTJ (Death Star…2?)

    Rogue One/Andor shine because they treat the universe as the star. They’re still compelling even if it was the only content that existed outside of the original trilogy, IMO anyways. People can enjoy whatever they want for whatever reasons they want.

  • “working with teams isn’t as bad as working with some software in a completely different domain”

    Apples and oranges, reeks of “You can’t be cold because I live in Canada” energy, but ok, whatever.

    “You need perspective”

    Extremely condescending. Enforces the notion that nobody can dream of better things as long as other people (you specifically) see themselves are enduring something worse.