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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Proven false.

    Waste of nuclear power plants is the most well-regulated specifically because of the anxiety surrounding it. The environmental waste of fossil fuel burning is MORE radioactive than the environmental waste of nuclear power plants. The most potent waste of nuclear plants is contained in a small enough volume to place in concrete casks, submerged in large pools of water (which blocks enough of the radiation to make it lower than background levels), and stored on-site under constant monitoring.

    If you’re worried about waste, you should be championing nuclear power, not shunning it.

    If you’re worried about long-term storage, we have MUCH more time to find a solution for dealing with the contained waste from nuclear power than we do to avert the environmental catastrophe that’s resulting from us continuing to spew carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.

    And if you’re wondering what the biggest danger actually is, it’s the construction of the plants. Which is a uniform risk across all types of power plants, not uniquely high for nuclear.

  • Wilzax@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldGNU-Linux
    5 days ago

    Eventually the proper name for the operating system will just be the full configuration.nix file, and we’ll all rename our backups to "FullLegalName"OS

    In this future, NixOS replaces all other distros as the defacto standard way to manage packages

  • “Retarded” can’t be a slur because it can be used to describe slowed/inhibited things that aren’t people. “Retard” is a slur derived from the adjective “Retarded”. Unlike the F-slur, N-word, and all the other colorful terms hateful people use to show people that they aren’t welcome on the basis of their identity, retarded has OTHER MEANINGS, and it is so much more apt a word than “Dumb” or “Slow” in so many contexts that it’s frankly (choose your adjective here) that we should have to walk on eggshells around it.

    Expressing disrespect for a person for things outside their control is cowardly and close-minded. We should censor people who try to co-opt the group they are speaking in to express their prejudice. But extending the censorship of a slur to its root word, even for innocuous contexts, is an overreach of the social policing of our language. It sets a bad example, since ANY WORD can be made to be an insult to someone if used that way, and we set a bad cultural precedent by doing this for “retarded”

    I understand that there’s no council that decides what is or isn’t acceptable to say, but I really wish people would think about this with a little more nuance than just “R-word detected, speaker shall be shunned” without considering the context. The way I see it, refusal to consider context is a redirection of the same kind of prejudiced thinking that makes slurs bad. But it’s being applied to a person’s speech rather than their identity, so it’s not as bad a thing to do.