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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Don’t let yourself get bottlenecked. The debug cycle can spiral out of control when you too fixated on one element.

    When you feel that happen, take a five minute break and figure out some other part of the project you can spend time on that you know will work. Wasting hours on a stuck pig is frustrating, spending those hours instead making other progress let’s you simmer on the issue.

    Come back to it later with fresh eyes, and maybe it will be easier. If you hit the same wall after many attempts, maybe you have to find a different solution, and at least you got a ton of other stuff done.

    The sunk cost fallacy is a lot worse when you’ve spend multiple sessions on the same issue.

    It also helps when you can identify these problems early in the project cycle. Knowing what parts will work because you’ve done it before, versus new modules you haven’t worked with, helps to plan testing of the unknowns early, even if they are used later in the project.

    On large scale projects, I make sure to prototype the unknowns right at the beginning, and when I get stuck, I do easy work till I feel relaxed again. If I don’t solve the first one, move on to the next, and next, unknown till I’ve been through each at least oonce. Then you’ll have a road map of what works, and what’s going to take the hard, head down, jam music on, I’m not stopping to piss till this works or I abandon it, sessions.

    Then I know there are X number of those sessions in the project, and when I’m in that kind of mood, I tackle one. Some days you just want to bang out easy UI and functions, others you’re ready to beat your head on the keyboard till that one thing works.

    Other than that, I write a lot of test code around the problem so I can isolate exactly what where is. Then once it’s fixed, I go back and strip it all out. Don’t be afraid of spending time really understanding the issue before just doing brute force. In your example, if a module doesn’t do what is expected, are you sure your connected to the module? Are the commands formatted correctly? Do you get any response from it or is it just dead or not loading? Can you write around it? Are there other modules available? Can you write your own code instead of using the module?

    At the end of the day, what you said is right, step away and clear your head. I can’t count the number of times I’ve come back to something I strained at for hours or days, only to solve it in 15 minutes a week later.

  • Over all I agree, with the one major exception being playing a new Fromsoft game. It’s only so often I get to explore a new souls game blind, and that is something I take the time to savor, so long as I can avoid spoilers.

    Elden ring was the first one that my girlfriend and I got to play new / blind together, and it was one of the best times I’ve ever had gaming.

    We are doing that again with the DLC now and having a great time.

  • I just found out last week factorio is on a system that I own. Turns out there was a major addiction missing in my life.

    As a programmer, I knew I would enjoy it. What I didn’t realise was that in just a week it would literally make me better at my job.

    I’m playing the game, and solving problems for work, I’m working, and solving problems in the game, in a huge feedback loop.

    Can a video game make you better person? I’m not sure, but if they can, this and Kerbal Space Program are the ones to do it.

  • I’ve sunk hundreds of dollars into Rocksmith 2014 on ps4 to learn to play the bass.

    The game, DLC songs, two guitars,as preamp, and cables.

    I absolutely love it, and feel I am still getting better over time.

    It so saddens me to know that one day Ubisoft will shit down the servers and a that investment will go to waste.

    From everything I’ve read Rocksmith+, their subscription model new version, just sucks in comparison to 2014, and I hate that their answer to people wanting to play games they ready own is “Well, just play the new one”.

    Loved farcry 2, 3, and 5, hated farcry 6.

    While I’ll always be able to play 2 and 3 from disc on my PS3, 5 will one day crap out as well I’m sure.

    Companies who take servers required for single player games offline should be required to either patch the game, or release the server source code.

  • So, the first 30 minutes go like this. Find the stuff to make and craft the knife, scanner, fins, air tanks, and building tool.

    You can eat kelp and make bleach>water w salt and coral to stay alive, though it’s a LOT of kelp.

    Then head straight to southern island to scan the multipurpose room, indoor and outdoor grow beds, and grab lantern fruit and marble mellons.

    You can then build a base and grow all the food you will ever need. I stock up on a ton of bleach and make water as needed, though the food also restores some hydration.

    I usually have this done before the Aurora explodes.

    Once you have the cyclops you can plant in there as well. Three lantern fruit trees per base is all the food you will need in the game, and marble melons have a lot of water.

    The only thing you miss out on really is the emergency air bladder, as that requires a fish. To make up for it I carry a second air tank when diving deep or exploring wrecks. I also build outdoor grow beds w brain corals in strategic places as emergency air supplies.

    Honestly, I started it as a lark, and found it so enjoyable because I never get distracted chasing down and catching fish.