“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

-George Bernard Shaw

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Laugh as we might just because the health affects are not immediate versus long term doesn’t mean there isn’t ramifications.

    Alcohol will mess you up in the short term and in the long term in more ways than one especially for those that abuse it.

    Oddly one of those ways mimics over consumption of sugar.

    But not to worry just like the culture of alcohol and tobacco had us convinced that there are no health issues at all to worry about, it’s the same mate for those operating on massive rushes of sugar and caffeine in energy drinks.

    They might not appear mentally drunk but rest assured their bodies are…

  • The various scam phone calls that threaten jail time due to unpaid tax bills from the IRS (US) and CRA (Canada) is still thing.

    It’s humorous when the Chinese/Indian call centers where they originate from mix up the countries when threatening people with the RCMP is coming to arrest an American or the IRS is coming for a Canadian.

    However we are expecting these boomers that copy and paste status updates limiting Facebook rights use of their account photos and info at midnight over and over again to navigate these scams on their own.

    To be fair much of the customer support for large companies have been offloaded to India and the Philippines so that’s one less barrier to overcome in triggering the BS detector of the not so savvy among us.

  • The various scam phone calls that threaten jail time due to unpaid tax bills from the IRS (US) and CRA (Canada) is still thing.

    It’s humorous when the Chinese/Indian call centers where they originate from mix up the countries when threatening people with the RCMP is coming to arrest an American or the IRS is coming for a Canadian.

    However we are expecting these boomers that copy and paste status updates limiting Facebook rights use of their account photos and info at midnight over and over again to navigate these scams on their own.

    To be fair much of the customer support for large companies have been offloaded to India and the Philippines so that’s one less barrier to overcome in triggering the BS detector of the not so savvy among us.

  • I’ve not been in a McDonald’s in decades. Nice to see? I vaguely recall fountains in there but I’m left wondering how much sugar water does one need? Diabetes in a cup anyone?

    Add what the fluid does to interfere with proper food digestion no wonder so many are so sickly and overweight.

    I wish like financial literacy they taught proper nutritional health that served the public versus the corporations.

    They have these sickly consumers screaming government over reach when they try to curb these products with regulations trying to convince everyone, they are just weak and they should be able to override these rewards centers that have been hijacked in the brain with willpower.

    Meanwhile at the same time these groups then desire the strong arm of the law to come down very hard on drug addicts when they are just another form of a addict but a less severe form that is functioning somewhat.

    It’s a quite the duality to witness. Humans are interesting…