• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I dream of a future with really good social security nets, great climate policy, cheap housing, high taxes on the rich, and more proportional representation.

    But the main issue right now is immigration. If the far right is the only one to solve that. Then people in Europe feel their hands are tied. The left is so god damn stupid.

    Left wing video “There are no issues with immigration”

    In the news “IS claims responsibility for knife attack”

    Then goes onto what the right really mean based on his views alone.

    It’s not all about money. It’s not about businesses getting rich and house prices going up.

    The left lie and change the narrative this issue isn’t “immigration under any situation” as the left try to make out it is the “immigration as is”

    No one in Europe is arguing about Swedes or Germans moving into their country. No one has issues with second or third generation Australian gangs.

    Immigration when done well is good. But the biggest issue in Europe is immigration both legal and illegal.

  • I think the recent lack of male only spaces causes a huge amount of problem for men.

    Its about stopping issued not fixing them once they are a problem.

    All the male spaces I have been in have had guys opening up and getting support.

    But when women are around they just seem to judge men for opening up, or belittle their issues as a joke/ insignificant to women’s, or sometimes they shut it down and blame to patriarchy for not allowing men to open up when they are the ones stopping men from opening up.

  • Wanderer@lemm.eetopics@lemmy.worldTruth
    5 months ago

    There some bullshit going on with phone cameras now I’m really not happy with.

    I got a s22 thinking the camera would be great but its actually pretty shit. The default AI is pure bullshit it completely changes the colours “oh a blue sky. Wouldn’t it be better if it was vomit inducing blue like a overly contrasted video game?”

    Then when you turn that off it still overly brightens the picture.

    I’m devastated with my phone because I thought at this point it would be near perfect photos but it’s not. It’s horribly optimised.

  • If people didn’t want cheap cookie cutter suburbs they would spend more for something else. But they don’t.

    Its the same as when everyone complains about how airlines used to have good food, lots of leg room, attractive staff. The someone goes out and goes that and business fails because no one wants to pay extra and instead they want the cheapest thing possible.

    The laws certainly don’t help and the finances are broken, which isn’t a failure if capitalism its a failure of politics.

  • I remember the heroic explorer Jebediah Kerman was on the way way back from the moon. The touchdown was flawless landing, the science was beyond value and the moment brought all the world together.

    They had doubted sending Jeb but he silenced the doubters to low grumbles.

    But then as the rockets were burning for the reentry burn and the orbit was decreasing, but the brain boxes had made a drastic mistake and undershot the fuel. A perfect mission and Kerbin’s greatest hero was potentially doomed all is a moment of low delta v.

    He was so close. Getting nearer and nearer to home, but it wasn’t to be! Soon he was getting further and further away! Drifting into the darkness yet again.

    The agency went into full swing immediately. How much food does he have, how much water, how much air!? How long until we have another rocket that can take off!? We only built one rocket there is no back up. Never before had a two kerbin rocket has ever been flown, never before had a rendezvous been attempted, never before had a rocket flown remotely. PR was there talking to the press was doing their best to save a near hopeless situation.

    Then get this! I remember it like it was yesterday. Jeb wasn’t bothered at all. Out there all on his own he said he wanted to go on a space walk. It got approved knowing that he might as well enjoy his final moments before the highly likely death. But this is Jebediah Kerman we are on about now. Not for a moment did he believe he was going to die, he get out into space and begins to push the rocket using with his bare hands! The brain boxes can’t believe it!!! Its working. The orbit had done just enough to scrap the atmosphere. Jebediah was coming home! Only Jebediah. Then even the doubters had to say of Jebediah, he was truly the greatest of all astronauts.