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Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Gadg8eer@sh.itjust.workstoFunny@sh.itjust.worksSo true
    5 months ago

    Is he an Ancient Greek time traveller or something? I swear, that would make for a kickass movie. “You all know the guy. Or girl. That one person in your town, or one of those people if it’s a city, in the impossible urban legend. They’re weird, possibly nice, possibly just creepy, probably mentally damaged.” montage of the other examples “This is ours. We called him the artist. Pretty mild, he just sat in coffee shops and watched people walk by. One day, though, our perception of him would change. Not just in this town, but in this timeline. This… is what happens When Worlds Divide.”

  • Gadg8eer@sh.itjust.workstoFunny@sh.itjust.worksSo true
    5 months ago

    That and humans in general are all crazy in some way. “Normal” is a standard we can try to achieve, but it’s neither realistic nor ideal. At some point a person is sane enough that you have to say “why criticize someone for being themselves?” instead of questioning or distrusting it.

  • Gadg8eer@sh.itjust.workstoFunny@sh.itjust.worksSo true
    5 months ago

    And people in high places would say he’s “useless” far too often. Oh well.

    Glad the municipality at least recognized his efforts, I just mean that in general that doesn’t happen. Really shows that town had better priorities than most.

    I hope the guy is still doing okay?

  • Gadg8eer@sh.itjust.workstocats@sh.itjust.worksThe Messiah !
    5 months ago

    My mom is this, cats love her and she doesn’t mind too much even though she’s allergic to them, but it does mean she can’t pet them because cat hair gives her watery eyes, stuffed up nose and sneezes/coughing.

    If not for that and that some cats pee on everything, I’d love to adopt a cat. They’re basically a furry parent if they like you, that’s why they sometimes try to bring you gifts (they think you’re a kitten because you can’t hunt).

    I like to make sure other people’s pets are comfy or happy when I visit someone or see someone walking their dog by taking notice and being nice, dogs and cats especially are usually happy to be noticed!

  • So is art itself. I might not name things the same as my inspirations or create anything identical, but I haven’t written a single thing that wasn’t based on something else.

    I don’t want the AI being trained on my work either, but that’s because I oppose “automated mass slavery”

    “Oh, you don’t want to be a slave in return for only the most basic of food and shelter? Sure, see if there are any jobs out there anymore, now that robots can do all of it for rich arrogant god complex sufferers like me. Lets lay the new ground rules… You’re DISPOSABLE to me. Beg and worship or die.” - A designated slaveowner’s thought process, 2084.

    Stop thinking like a capitalist and start thinking like you’re an angry drunk if you really believe LLM should be outlawed. Envy is not a flattering look on anyone, you included. At least protests and riots get shit done, even if that means sacrificing a lifestyle you’re clearly only enjoying thanks to being self-centered in your artistic pursuits.

  • Fact is, art is SO hard that I am in my 30s, broke and have no employable skills other than research, social skills (barely, blame Autism for ruining it for me) and creative ability.

    I earned, like, $15 to $20 CAD from publishing a book of short stories on Amazon over 2 years. Before you ask why, I am not excluding quality as a possibility but for the most part it’s because nobody is into optimistic post-singularity sci-fi anymore and I refuse to rely on anything but word of mouth for advertisement because screw the advertocracy.

    My point is, if people pirate Cody Gibling’s works, I’d rather they do so because I only want enough money to be comfortable and anything else I get would be aimed at more serious pursuits like activism. You know what I pirate? Anything that they make too hard to access in the first place. Like dead MMOs or completed movies that were cancelled to get the studio a free tax break.

  • Good point, that actually does make sense. If it takes one to know one, the people who know what oppression looks and feels like are absolutely the ones who know most what a place under an oppressive regime with good PR is from the outside. Not sure if it’s a complex set of skills or if it’s just a matter of comparing dictators to dictators and not to oranges, but stress testing and security testing bounties are things for a good reason.

    Sorry about the above posts feeling accusatory, I’m having a terrible time and I’ve had a comfortable but miserable life of never succeeding at anything yet wanting to at the very least succeed in bringing other people happiness by helping to create or protect a near-utopian (since outright perfection is impossible and plausibly a boring existence if it was possible) world. When you’re protected from your failures most of the time but you never actually succeed you start to feel like you are worthless, and if you realize that’s not the case after too long, then someone starts to feel like the whole world is in some manner against them.

    Problem is, I’m smart enough to know the logical conclusion is NOT that the people around me are all against me, and it’s taken long enough that I know the problem isn’t me either (long story). If it’s not me, and the world isn’t conspiring, then the real reason must simply be some sort of discrimination against me. As for what, I honestly can’t figure it out beyond “nobody anywhere online believes the truth about what they think I did even though it really is the truth”. I refuse to believe it was simply bad luck, though. Discrimination is not a conspiracy, and if you have psychiatrist A drugging you wrong but you get a new psychiatrist Band you have no issues, it is not a crazy thing to say “my last psychiatrist ruined my life”.

    Crazy is - aside from being repetitively delusional - when no answer is ever good enough. I know because the only time in my life where I’ve felt paranoia was under my old psychiatrist’s medications, when every answer didn’t calm me, but stress me out with overthinking everything (and I don’t mean like this post, I mean like literally everything was too questionable to trust at that time, especially social media). I don’t know how people who - unlike my Autism diagnosis - have psychosis for real can stand NOT taking their pills as “feeling more lucid”. I have never felt my mind be more clouded than it was when that old doctor’s prescriptions caused chemically-induced paranoia, and mixed with a literally negative value of myself caused by it and two coincidential moments in my social life where I was unfairly pushed out of a group through no fault of my own, it nearly destroyed my mind and DID destroy my online reputation as a result.

    I literally have a doctor’s note in my email and I haven’t shown it to the OpenTTD communit that I am a f-ing pariah of because I don’t know if even that will convince them that “my” behavior from March of 2017 until very recently was the work of this man… https://www.ratemds.com/doctor-ratings/531703/Dr-Richard-McGee-Castlegar-BC.html/ (also https://perma.cc/QE8Y-33US so it doesn’t redlink) …and that website speaks all that I would need said to confirm that that guy ruined my life and I shouldn’t have to and can’t be the one to rebuild it; I’m not this monster’s only victim. I already posted that link to them, they didn’t seem to care and believe I made it up.

    I don’t have anything against any group at this point, because I know discrimination should, at the minimum, mean the discriminator silently leaves instead of being arrogant and cruel or you get all the people I feel like I’ve personally been wronged by, and now you know why I apparently have some of the highest empathy, best reasoning and (sadly) shortest tempers of anyone I’ve ever met. Thus, I’m mostly just angry that humanity seems to be falling apart everywhere at the same time and when someone points out that doing X is making that worse, X is either a completely innocent thing that the accuser is trying to destroy for personal gain, or the person doing X is trying to employ X and make it look like they are “allowed to” because they are part of Group Y (either Group Y is rich or Group Y is a corrupt culture warrior who justifies their actions as social justice or religious freedom). The rules are supposed to be equal, I suppose that does mean that if you want to prevent a hacker from breaking your system, some security-testing by a hacker who knows what to look for is exactly what is needed.

    …this may sound crazy, but… anyone think uploading the world’s flaws to a Git repository of some sort as “bugs” would go a long way?

  • Kids are dying and this asshole thinks he speaks for me? I don’t CARE what his position is, I didn’t vote for him and I no longer trust anyone to speak on my behalf if what they say in such a grim situation isn’t 100% what I would have said.

    For the record? “You - Israel and Palestine - have been at this for so long that the only thing that matters to me is that your children don’t suffer. The rest of you either stop fighting, NOW AND FOREVER, or this will be the first time in history that genocide was the ultimate goal of both sides (the Hamas and the Israelis) and I do not give a FLYING FUCK if you were Holocaust victims, because that means YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO TRY AND WIPE OUT AN ENTIRE POPULATION AND YOU PULL THIS SHIT?!”

    If you’re going to act like fucking Hitler, after your grandparents were the people Hitler wronged, you don’t get to fucking cry when the rest of humanity wants to prosecute you for war crimes. But NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, fucking Trudeau thinks otherwise and my opinion doesn’t matter. If you voted for Trudeau or for the Liberals last election, I hate you and I wish the worst upon you because clearly you don’t care about being FAIR. Life isn’t unfair, people who fucking want to have MORE than someone else so much that they TAKE it are unfair but they don’t give a shit because they’ve never had a reason to care about being fair as long as THEY won. So fuck everyone. I hate this world and I am never coming out of this goddamn room again, and if that sounds like a teenager crying unreasonably, THEN STOP FUCKING ACTING LIKE WORLD POLITICS IS A GODDAMN HIGH SCHOOL!