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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I used to hit the TX state police auctions pretty often. I really liked the 9C1 Caprice basically the car the 1994-1996 Impala was based on. A little bit Cadillac, a little bit Camaro. Iron block and heads version of the LT1 improved reliability/durability. Could take speed bumps at 70 mph without flinching and was a phenomenal highway car especially for TX. Highway Patrol (DPS) cars are issued to specific troopers and not whored out to the whole department on a 24 hour rotation, so they are generally much better looked after.

    Anyway I happened to hit one auction that was unique. Before, they put a really crappy paint job on to cover up the black and white paint scheme. After, they cheaped out and just spray painted white squigglies all over the car. I picked up a nice 1995 still black and white 9C1 for $2600.

    Rocketing between Houston and Austin at over 100 mph, cars would move over to let me pass. Cops on the other side heading the other way would wave instead of pulling me over. On the rare occasion I did get pulled over, the registration showed previous owner as DPS since I bought directly from them myself. So I always got off with a warning.

    Man I miss that car. They quit making them so they could make more SUVs…

    Also the DPS Mustangs were stick shift so of course I grabbed one of those too!

  • Apologies for my post and respect for your appropriate response. Someone pissed in my Cheerios this morning.

    Your post title grabbed my attention because I recently started watching Survivor for the first time (social event not really my pick). Anyway it’s fascinating to watch their behavior. These people are constantly talking about “reading” people. They’re always trying to inject meaning and intent where there is none. They are not as smart as they think they are, and they struggle with communication just as much as we do.

    One thing I’ve noticed is NTs are constantly lying to each other then trying to “read between the lines.” Not so much malicious intent as keeping your cards close to your chest sort of thing. When someone comes up and just says what they mean, their minds explode. Many of them read into what you’re saying the worst possible interpretation. I’m still trying to figure this out.

    I’ve seen a similar thing in court, where you think you’re trying to document facts and distill away all the emotion and speculation. WRONG! It seems to work like Survivor where 1 + 1 = 3.

  • My current theory on the whole meme:

    1. Someone in high school debate class is tasked with arguing in favor of Flat Earth theory or moon landings were faked.
    2. Intrigued by the ease with which they manipulate people into believing outlandish concepts, they try talking people into believing more untenable ideas like “grip tape is much better at holding reaper pepper hot sauce on the surface of a dildo than barbed wire.”
    3. Person finds that limits exist and tries to come up with something more reasonable – becomes champion for Arch Linux.
    4. People take them seriously and it takes off…

    DISCLAIMER: I have tried neither grip tape and hot sauce covered dildos nor Arch Linux but you get the concept I’m trying to convey I hope.

  • OK hand sign is just boasting that their family tree is a circle…

    But seriously I wanted to digest DS9 forever and what finally worked for me was putting on the DS9 channel on Pluto TV everyday while I worked in the background. I got bits and pieces of the overall story and started to pay attention more and more with each pass. Kinda like a rotoscope.

    This show would’ve been boring (for me) to sit down and binge watch, but this background rotoscope method slowly pulled me into the story and characters, and now I’m a big fan.

    I used the same technique on classic Doctor Who. The first three Doctors are really great in their own ways, and it’s fun to see the shooting style and stories change with the time period. I even gained some appreciation for Doctors 5-7.