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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Leftists ought to see that Biden is immeasurably better than Trump and act accordingly, but there is no solidarity to be had with the Democratic establishment.

    Neoliberalism, just like classical liberalism, is a right wing political philosophy. The left must ally with liberals as necessary, but there is no “pan-leftist solidarity” possible. The establishment has betrayed, is betraying, and will continue to betray any coalition made with the left. If Democrats fought Republicans with half the ferocity with which they fight leftists, this would be a very different country.

  • As I said, progressives inevitably do end up voting for the shitty neoliberal. Exit Polls have always shown that. Then when the shitty neoliberals lose,they always find a way to blame it on progressives. That’s what makes these constant “please just vote” posts especially obnoxious.

    The people in these forums are not the people you need to reach. Unlikely voters are unlikely to hang out in political discussions. If you really give a shit, phone bank, canvass, or call your representatives and tell them to quit fucking up so people won’t check out of the system.

    If you want to virtue signal and play into the neoliberal spin machine, keep doing this. All you are really doing is providing space for all the right wing trolls to try and convince people that not voting is virtuous.

  • It’s amazing that the vast majority of progressives always come around and vote for the lesser evil, yet we have to listen to this ranting every single time.

    You are right that they should be pushing the Democratic establishment to do better, but there is a reason they don’t. They know that progressives are willing to make compromises, but the establishment is not.

    Biden would choose Trump over a progressive candidate. We know this because he did. When the Democrats moved the first primary to South Carolina from New Hampshire, they probably threw away the NH electoral votes, and they know they will never win SC. They would rather Trump win than face another progressive challenger.

  • I doubt there would be much. Iran is almost as dependent on Russia as Israel has been on the US. There would be some token diplomatic protests, but I doubt it would be anything more than signaling. Countries don’t have friends, they have interests. Iran’s interests are far better served by Russia than by supporting Palestine.

    Hamas’s entire strategy in launching their attack was to provoke Israel to overreact, which would then prompt Palestinian allies like Lebanon and Iran to get involved. The first part worked beyond their expectations, but Iran and Lebanon haven’t taken the bait.

  • Definitely not Iran, but Russia and China are definitely possibilities. The only reason it seems impossible is that Israel has been a US satellite since it’s founding. If that tie is severed, what’s possible changes.

    There are three real powers in the Middle East, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Two are in the US sphere, and one is in Russia’s. Russia would live to pull ahead, and China desperately wants a solid foothold in the region.

    Russia specifically would see a lot of tangible benefits. Israel has a top-notch defense industry with many technologies that Russia is missing. Protecting “the Jews” would also play into Russia’s narratives about fighting Nazis in Ukraine and elsewhere.

  • The US has been pressuring Israel to spare civilians since before they went into Gaza. That’s just reality. They haven’t followed the disastrous strategies that critics have demanded for exactly the reasons I explained.

    Netanyaho is a far right maniac who’s popularity was based entirely on national security and who was facing multiple criminal allegations. There was no way that he wasn’t going to go hard into Gaza. The US could have pulled all aid and weapons deals on day one, and it wouldn’t have changed a damn thing - except that Israel would now be a Russian satellite state.

    Ramping pressure over time is/was the best available strategy. That doesn’t mean I think the US did everything right. That doesn’t mean that Biden’s personal positions on Israel aren’t deeply troubling.

    I’ll say it again. You got exactly the resolution you were demanding, and exactly the result that people like me said you would get from it. Take the L and learn something.