Anodes for the anode gods!
Orejano? Is that in Spanish or something?
Which one is more fitting? (CDPR)PR or CDPRᴾᴿ?
Cutting down on the amount of paper will DIRECTLY impact the thickness of the book. Less pages = less thick.
Edit: nevermind, I missed the part about cutting up the pages…
Try printing two pages per side and double sided printing so you end up with 4 pages on each piece of paper. The only downside is that the book will be in ‘landscape mode’.
I actually was being genuine, I just haven’t ever had a problem with dishes chipping in the dishwasher.
Or, and this is a stretch but stay with me, their glass/ceramic dishes don’t randomly chip in the dishwasher.
Ahh yes, the inclusive or. We meet again!
You lost me, can you provide some context?
Do you have a dishwasher or a rock tumbler at home?
Are we talking about Andúril, AKA “the flame of the west”?
Wanna come over and polish my zweihandler? 😏
Pepperidge Farm remembers
Yup, if Bugs is Frodo, Daffy must be Sam. Elmer Fudd can be Gollum.