• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • If you are looking for a way to find RSS/Atom feeds on sites you are interested in, but don’t list an RSS/Atom feed:

    Here is a Textise version and the original version of a Zapier article talking about how to get an RSS feed manually from (many) sites that don’t list one.

    I do this just because I like to and it takes but a few seconds to put through my QuiteRSS (GUI) or NewsReader (terminal based) feed reader apps.

    Here’s the basics from the article (the article itself lists more and more in depth).

    A shocking number of websites are built using WordPress—over 40% of destinations on the web. This means there’s a good chance that any website you visit is a WordPress site, and all of those sites offer RSS feeds that are easy to find.

    To find a WordPress RSS feed, simply add /feed to the end of the URL; e.g., https://justinpot.com/feed. I do this any time I visit a website that I’d like an RSS feed for—it almost always works.

    If it doesn’t work, here are a few tricks for finding RSS feeds on other sites.

    If a site is hosted on Tumblr, add /rss to the end of the URL. Like this: https://example.tumblr.com/rss

    If a site is hosted on Blogger, add feeds/posts/default to the end of the URL. Like this: example.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

    If a publication is hosted on Medium, add /feed/ before the publication’s name. So medium.com/example-site becomes medium.com/feed/example-site

    YouTube channel pages double as RSS feeds. Simply copy and paste the URL for the channel into your RSS reader. You can also find an OPML file for all of your subscriptions here.

    Find an RSS feed for any site by checking the source code…

  • Also why is there a generic Christian but then also Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox? But then they just Muslim and not it’s different denominations? Why even have different denominations when you have the generic catch all and the Other category?

    There are kinds of Christian that don’t fall under Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox by their own measure (which doesn’t care how the Big Three want to categorize them). Perhaps this was why? (Probably not.) Graph should have just lumped them all together as “Christian”.

  • Spent last weekend visiting family out of state, and it was the first time I’ve watched YouTube with ads in years. I pay to get no ads on YouTube at home, and the ads at family’s home was so irritating. Made me realize that I would either pay YouTube for no ads, OR I would just stop watching YouTube. No compromise on that one.

    That being said, I don’t mind a few ads on webpages here and there. I run uBlock Origin and NoScript with only site-needed scripts allowed. Occasionally there’s an ad that manages to not get blocked by either of those, and I don’t go out of my way to also make sure those are blocked. It’s because they aren’t obnoxious. Usually just a box on the side of the page. Not a problem.

  • This. Though I left Netflix because the only way family was watching it was via Roku device, and in the last 6 months you had a 2 in 3 chance the Netflix app would lock up on it and none of the “fixes” (reinstall, clear cache, etc., etc., etc., … ) did anything to help.

    Even worse, not only would the Netflix app lock itself up, it would lock up the entire Roku device so someone had to be dispatched to unplug, wait, replug the power on the Roku device to restart Roku.

    We have so much on the Roku that actually works (Hulu, etc) - why pay monthly for such a crappy app? Family complained for about 2 days and then forgot Netflix even exists.

  • The legal system is expensive for the same reason the medical system is expensive:

    • When you need to be in it, you need to be in it (e.g., you can’t just walk away from possible jail time or having a steering wheel embedded in your body).

    • Even if it’s for things you are choosing willingly, both systems have over time set themselves up as the only possible options - either by making it a crime to take care of your issue outside their system, or by making you believe that only going their route is the safe / effective / trustworthy way.

    • Both are incredibly, unapologetically, corrupt to their core, with no one really accountable for anything beyond a few “examples” made here and there.

  • I hate stuff like this, that thinks it’s being “cute”, or “cool”, or “clever”, or whatever as if the company and I have some sort of personal relationship and could just interact on this level. No, Ridiculous Company, you and I do not have any kind of relationship - and now we never will even try again for one, any time in the future. In fact, from now on every time I see your logo, I will remember your “cleverness” and imagine a room full of imposter marketers and imposter developers sitting in a plastic building full of foosball tables and needlessly-big vertical monitors being “clever” for each other while their stock goes further and further down the toilet.

    Or is that just me?

  • Buy less. Use less. Reward good pricing with your money. Spouse stopped buying favorite frozen sausages months ago because they went from $5 to $12. The other day noticed they are “on sale” for $5.25. Bought 2 and will continue buying them until they go back up. I’ve also started buying a lot of things on sale in bulk that will store awhile, so I can just walk by the ridiculous pricing until the next sale drops it again.