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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Recently I saw someone complaining that he’ll always be a virgin and will never get laid. In my advice I recommended making changes to improve himself, like being kind and generous, learning to be better socially, and taking up hobbies that involve being around people.

    He said I was telling him to “fake himself.”

    All of the “just be yourself” and “you’re perfect just the way you are” platitudes are meant to improve confidence, but unfortunately it means some people genuinely don’t think they need to fix things. That they are just, like, owed success from society or something.

    Obviously there are aspects that you don’t need to change, like you don’t have to pretend to like things you don’t, and you don’t have to try to change your orientation or identity, but if you’re an asshole you should try to not be an asshole. If you smell bad you should shower. If you suffer from social anxiety there are both medical and practical ways to address that.

    No one is perfect. We can all stand to improve things about ourselves and thus progress towards whatever goals we may have. And the more we lie about not needing to change, or indeed not being able to change, the more we let people wallow in self-pity. I don’t have data to back this up, but I suspect this sort of thinking leads in part to the wave of loneliness and incel-ness we see in our society today.

  • Full pedantic mode:

    People thinking stormtroopers are inaccurate entirely missed the point in A New Hope.

    We are told near the beginning of the movie, when Luke and Obi-Wan find the Jawa’s sand crawler which appears to have been attacked by Sand People, that stormtroopers are deadly accurate. This makes sense, they are trained soldiers.

    Obi-Wan says, “These blast points, too accurate for Sand People. Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise.”

    We, the audience, are supposed to remember this point when later the stormtroopers are firing at Luke and friends and missing every single shot. It is supposed to make us suspicious. It should make us say, “Something isn’t right here.”

    Eventually we get the prestige: those stormtroopers were ORDERED not to hit them. The Falcon had been fitted with a tracking beacon, and the Imperial forces wanted them to escape and run to their hidden base.

    But no, everyone came away thinking, “It’s really stupid that the stormtroopers fired that many times and never hit the good guys just standing in the open. Stormtroopers can’t hit the broad side of a space barn!”

  • Sorry if I’m being nitpicky here, but falsetto is those breathy high-notes (think beejees, or Rivendell if you want to stick to rush). This song is all head voice. No worries though, I had to Google this just to make sure I wasn’t lying because I wasn’t certain.

    I think the differentiation between those terms is tenuous and depends on whom you ask, but regardless, I’m not a tenor like Geddy Lee. I can’t hit those notes in my normal register. I’m a bass. So to hit most Rush songs, I have to shift register. Whether we call that “head voice” or “falsetto,” either way, I’ve beefed up that register singing Rush and other high-voiced rock (and also descants for fun) so it has lost a lot of the weakness commonly associated with the term falsetto. It doesn’t have the timbre of an actual tenor, but I can still sound remarkably good considering it’s outside my “normal” range.

    Edit: Just to clarify, I don’t disagree with you that Geddy Lee isn’t singing falsetto, I’m saying that for me that song is a good way to flex my falsetto. Which always shocks people who hear my low voice. 😁