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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I can smell it. I can smell now the difference between Nintendo booklets and Sega booklets and PC booklets (Christ, trying to type in the Age of Empires 2 cd key).

    I have 1000 games on Steam, and I know a lot of them come with some sort of PDF, and I’m not saying things aren’t better, but I can miss that one aspect of the first half hour of experiencing a new game being reading, touching, smelling its lore and artwork.

  • The 20 years thing was my bafflement as to why people felt the need to explain what Captchas are. Not a justification for their existence. When I ask “why” I think I’m pretty clearly not asking to have how Captchas work explained to me.

    Putting that aside, can you explain to me how asking you to identify a traffic light is “at the expense of literally everyone”?

    Someone was saying “they’ll train smart cars! And sell it to us as a subscription!” which I think is the same route you’re going down. But… how is that at the expense of everyone? And would not training smart cars benefit anyone? Is someone else going to do it? Is there a FOSS smart car I can contribue to? And is that FOSS going to prevent bad actors from training it to misbehave?

  • You’re not doing work for free. That’s a really weird way to look at it. You’re doing it to gain access to a service, an entirely optional one. It’s somewhat believable when people say oh, yes I have a car but I have to have a car, I’d like not to. But nobody is required to use GMail to live.

    And yes, feel free to be an AI pessimist. You could quite well be right. It seems bizarre to me however to make an effort to sabotage this one specific AI training (which might stop cars from running us down) so that you can log into something which will also be used to train AI (to sell you shit). And then posting your opinion about it here, where it will be used to train an AI.

  • Yes?

    Sorry I’m not sure “why?” is a difficult question. People keep explaining that is happening as if this hasn’t been happening in various forms for 20 years.

    If its “I don’t want to contribute to machine learning”, I’ve got exciting news for you about every post you are making on this site where every comment is publicly accessible and consumable.