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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • See, Disco had it right. Doctors wore white, compared to the navy blue uniforms of all the other divisions, including Sciences. Presumably during the war someone decided that your medic being conspicuously covered in blood gave a bad impression, that was downgraded to nurses (SNW Chapel) and the doctors wore blue (although the slightly lighter shade than science divison). Then later, nurses got blue as well (TOS Chapel). Or was Chapel a full MD by then? Not sure about that.

  • Ah, but from where I sit (a long way from the US), it looks more like a pissing contest between the Republicans to see who can be the most terrible human being in government, than it does look like any sort of actual policy or principal.

    It’s not about helping Ukraine, or avoiding the mistakes of Afghanistan - it’s about trying to make Biden (and/or ‘The Dems’ in general) look bad, even if that involves civilian deaths.

    Are they evil, Russian agents or just absolute clowns? It doesn’t really matter, does it. The end result is the same.

  • Personally, I think the problem with Galactica nowadays is that the world is generally far more depressing than it was when the show came out. I can take dark and gritty, but it was more fun then. Now, I prefer something more lighthearted.

    Like the flashback episode of SNW, where we saw Chapel and M’Benga during the Klingon War. My first though was “this is awesome, I could watch a whole show like that”, but shortly afterwards, I realised "nope, that would be way too much, bring back Captain Daddy making jokes about how flipping the communicator open is better than tapping a commbadge.

    Or maybe I’m just more of a miserable bastard than I was 20 years ago. IDK.

    But hey, for any sci-fi fan, I’d certainly recommend at least watching the miniseries that kicks it all off. Get a feel for the characters and the universe they’re in.

    I’ve never watched Babylon 5. Everyone always raves about it, but I don’t know if I could get past the extremely dated looking effects.

    Plus there’s so much new content coming out. I can’t criticise anyone who doesn’t want to watch older stuff, because who has the time to watch it all?

    That being said… you have seen Firefly, right?

  • “So we were being chased by bad guys through a really explosive gas cloud nebula thing. Weapons were on the fritz and we couldn’t use shields because if the aforementioned nebula. So I ejected the warp core and blew it up, detonating the nebula and the bad guys while we just scraped out in the nick of time”

    My god man, that’s actually impressive. How were you planning on getting back to literally anywhere else without a warp core?

    “Ah well, I was only the acting captain at the time, so I figured that would be Picard’s problem when he got back…”