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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023

  • But that’s the point. It’s already in their hands. There is no ethical and helpful application of AI that doesn’t go hand in hand with these assholes having mostly s monopoly on it. Us using it for ourselves doesn’t take it out of their hands. Yes, you can self-host your own and make it helpful in theory but the truth is this is a tool being weaponized by capitalists to steal more data and amass more wealth and power. This technology is inextricable from the timeline we’re stuck in: vulture capitalism in its latest, most hostile stages. This shit in this time is only a detriment to everyone else but the tech bros and their data harvesting and “disrupting” (mostly of the order that allowed those “less skilled” workers among us to survive, albeit just barely). I’m all for less work. In theory. Because this iteration of “less work” is only tied to “more suffering” and moving from pointless jobs to assistant to the AI taking over pointless jobs to increase profits. This can’t lead to utopia. Because capitalism.

  • TheFriar@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneStandard rule
    11 days ago

    No, you were very much misreading the comment. They just threw a crazy factoid out there. And then followed with a non sequitur about “rich =/= smart.” And why would my confusion mean I love privatized medicine?

    I mean, you’re not wrong about me being smarter than the rest of you. I’m just choosing to ignore the part where it’s only in my head. Because I’m so much smarter. (jk)

  • I don’t know what you think my beliefs about the healthcare system are. But I’m pretty damn sure they’re not what you’re assuming.

    Because of our vampiric, fucked up greedy system of healthcare, it attracts pretty amazing doctors because they make insane money. Private money is good for the people who tend to control it. It’s just horrific for those of us without money. So the rich tend to get insanely good healthcare in the US.

  • That’s exactly the conclusion she comes to late in the video: it’s that they cashed in on their deep supply of goodwill with their fans and betrayed them for higher margins. And then wrote the whole thing off by shutting it down suddenly right at the end of the quarter. We are living in a time of animal-backed-into-a-corner, hostile capitalism. The bubble on this system that was literally designed to pop, seems to be popping. So the capitalists are gathering up everything they can, faster and faster. Capitalism as a concept is inherently flawed. You can’t have infinite growth in a finite system. As has been pointed out innumerable times: that’s how cancer works. Not a sound financial system. But here we are, in what is essentially the “going out of business” mad dash by these leeches to grab as much as they can. Our water supply, our natural resources, the climate, the system of capitalism itself are all on the outs. And people feel that. And we’re getting angrier and angrier. This won’t end well, and it seems to be ending faster and faster. They know that. What they plan on doing with all that money after the collapse is unclear. But they’re winning. And that’s all they can conceive of.

    Edit: lol I literally forgot as I went on writing that, that I was meant to be talking about Disney. But that’s pretty much what’s happening. They’re in the “squeeze harder” phase, where they’re ostensibly done growing and innovating, now they’re just going to squeeze everything they can out of the people that give them money. It’s about cost cutting, more extreme exploitation of their workers and customers, and essentially going for broke on what’s already there.