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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Edit: wait, you might be right. As I understand, net neutrality is for the last mile ISPs, not the L1/L2 providers. So uh… what I explained below isn’t relevant. Eh, I’ll leave it in case people wanna learn stuff.

    It was a bad explanation, assuming you had knowledge of network infrastructure things, but it does make sense. I’ll explain things if you’re interested.

    Net neutrality is the idea that ISPs must treat all content providers equally. Your phone is not a content provider (most likely. You could run a web server on your phone, but… no). YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok, and your weird uncle’s WordPress site are content providers. Without net neutrality, ISPs can say, “Hey YouTube, people request a ton of traffic from you on our network. Pay up or we’ll slow down people’s connections to you.” The “neutrality” part means that ISPs must be neutral towards content providers, not discriminating against them for being high demand by consumers.

    For the L1 and L2 part, that’s the networking infrastructure. The connection to your home is just tiny cables. I don’t recall how many layers there are, but it’s just “last mile” infrastructure. The network infrastructure between regions of the country or across the ocean are giant, giant cables managed by internet service providers you’ve never heard of. They’re the kind of providers that connect AT&T to Comcast. These are considered L1 or L2 providers. The data centers of giant companies, like Google for YouTube’s case, often pay these L1 or L2 providers to plug directly into their data centers. Why? Those providers are using the biggest, fastest cables to ferry bits and bytes across the planet. You might be pulling gigs from YouTube, but YouTube is putting out… shit, I don’t even know. Is there a terabyte connection? Maybe even petabyte? That sounds crazy. I dunno, I failed Google’s interview question where they asked me to estimate how much storage does Google Drive use globally. Anyway, I hope that gives you an idea of what L1 and L2 providers are.

    I’m not a network infrastructure guy, though. If someone who actually knows what they’re talking about has corrections, I’d love to learn where I’m wrong

  • MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat

    The Remembrance speaks to us on the evil of man’s will, of the reasons for Exodus, and the Rites of the Traveler. Arcadia is our destiny and our right. Enlightenment is our gift. By the Bloodnames of the founders we must return, return and protect that which is unique among the stars. Terra awaits us as it was written. We are the last of the Wardens, the sole hope for the Earth.

    Wolves still prowl

  • That’s because PowerShell blurs the line between programming language and scripting language. By accessing the entire .NET library, of course it’s going to have more features than a basic scripting language that relies on open source utilities installed on the system.

    The reasons people hate it are because they hate Microsoft, it breaks from traditional shells too far, and it’s a pain in the ass to type (verbose). To use PowerShell effectively, you almost need to write full software programs. At that point, just use C#.

    As for you preferring it to Python… I think you don’t know Python. I’m trying to come up with every way possible to make PowerShell sound better than Python, and I got nothing. Maybe you don’t like whitespace? I cannot understand your point of view here. Help me out

  • In terms of tech, yeah, it’s nothing special. But imagine having something like this in the US. Imagine being able to see which goods and services you received, how much you were charged per line item, what was and was not covered by insurance, and having the ability to interact with the various entities directly.

    Again, from the tech side, you could do it with some basic Spring Boot shit, but actually getting the manpower and various organizations to integrate into a such a system is genuinely impressive. If the US had such a system, it would likely become a driving force in fixing the healthcare system… hence why it will never happen. The impressive part is the government backing and incentivization of private organizations to integrate into it.

    It’s not an impressive tech solution. It is an impressive political and organizational solution.

    But fuck Modi for other reasons

  • There are technical ways to solve this. If we can identify some way for instances to determine users’ interests and allow instances to query based on interests, that can reduce load. We can do all sorts of caching to reduce load even further.

    It complicates the system, which is a risk, but it leads to a better user experience and better performance.

    We just need the right people with enough time and desire to implement these kinds of technical solutions.

    Guess it’s time for me read the ActivityPub spec.

  • There’s a key difference. ActivityPub is a user-facing technology, in terms of the way data is exchanged.

    Linux as the backbone of the internet is not user-facing.

    The average user doesn’t care or even know if some web server is using Linux or not. The average user does care if it’s difficult for them to find and see interesting content on their content consumption platform.

    We need to improve the new user experience and ways to introduce users to content they may care about. We need a way for instances to have awareness each other and what communities are available without user-initiated federation. Maybe we need some semi-federation by default. Or maybe we need some global index that all instances can share. Ideally, we should have some kind of recommendation system at the community level to help users find communities they may be interested in.

  • I’m not so familiar with quantum computers. Can you describe how they accomplish different tasks?

    My understanding was that the key difference was bits versus qubits, basically translating to individual operations calculating more data. So a bit is x^2, but a qubit is x^8 if i remember correctly. Under the hood, it’s all still math, but with a different base number system. Everything would have to be rebuilt at the lowest layer, but abstractions over bitwise operations should remain the same, I thought. Maybe my base understanding of quantum computers is wrong? I’m curious