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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Firstly, capitalism isn’t going to just “poof” away just because there are more resources available. The rich will just hold them back to create artificial scarcity - like is done with diamonds.

    Secondly, even discounting that, there are plenty of resources that are genuinely scarce no matter how much money you have to throw at the problem.

    But if you’re referring to just the scarcity of information - then you’re still not quite right as not all that information out there is good information - a lot of it is misinformation (i.e. propaganda, etc.)…

    And even that discounts the fact that for many people, they don’t have the tools/capability to access the information, or simply can’t access the information full stop (I.e. due to censorship, etc.).

  • If you didn’t have the anti-caking agent, the cheese would just cake up into one solid mass, making the whole “pre-shredded” part literally meaningless…

    If you want shredded cheese without anti-caking agents, just shred your own - it’s cheaper, and only requires a grater and a bit of extra time over pre-shredded.